Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS)

Image of two people speaking.

Welcome to The Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS)

The London Metropolitan University Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) offers advice, information and support for students (including apprentices) who have a disability.

Conditions described as being a disability may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Neurodivergent conditions such as ASC, ADHD, Dyslexia or Dyspraxia.
  • Sensory conditions (conditions that affect hearing or vision).
  • Conditions impacting upon mobility.
  • Conditions impacting upon communication.
  • Chronic long-term health conditions (impacting upon physical or mental health). 

News Headlines!

Please see the 'DDS News' webpage for further details about the headlines above.

DDS provides advice, guidance, and support to current and prospective students of London Metropolitan University who have a disability, a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, students who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted students, students with chronic long-term health conditions and students with mental health difficulties.

Our service aims:

  • To help enable students to participate as fully as possible in the academic and social life of the University. 
  • To help students fulfil their academic potential by removing barriers to learning. 
  • To treat students with dignity and respect. 
  • To respond to queries and communication in a timely manner. 
  • To promote the principles of equality and inclusivity.
  • To ensure that personal / confidential information is not disclosed to third parties without consent. 
  • To remain consistent with the responsibilities held by the University under the Equality Act (2010).

Our service provides:

  • Bespoke advice and professional guidance to students.
  • Advice and guidance concerning the adjustments that the University can provide to support students who have a disability. 
  • Advice and guidance concerning the funding available to disabled students - such as the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) and disability support funding for disabled EU and International students. 
  • Support to help students set up non-medical help such as note-takers, campus support, mentors, interpreters and SpLD one-to-one support. 
  • Screenings and advice to students wishing to investigate whether they have a SpLD such as dyslexia.
  • Referral for SpLD Diagnostic Assessment where appropriate.
  • Tailored training, advice and guidance for staff supporting disabled students.

DDS works collaboratively with students to identify need and to set up appropriate support. We recognise that everyone is different and our service takes this into account.  We will discuss support with you with reference to the demands of your course.  However, in order to tailor support to your specific needs we also ask that students provide medical documentation as per the requirements noted on our 'Medical documentation guidance / information webpage'.

Meeting your DDS Advisor

After your medical documentation / diagnostic report has been reviewed by a member of our team you will be invited to speak with a DDS Advisor. We offer one-to-one appointments on-campus, and remote one-to-one appointments via telephone or video conferencing. 

During your appointment there will be an opportunity to discuss the support that is available to you and any associated matters. Your DDS Advisor will be your single point of contact over the duration of your time studying at London Metropolitan University.  We encourage you to contact your DDS Advisor whenever advice or guidance is needed concerning support.

Confidentiality is of great importance to our team and this is reflected in our operations and communication. Information relating to physical or mental health constitutes sensitive personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018), explicit permission from the data subject (i.e. the student) must be sought before this type of information is passed on to a third party unless there is a legal obligation to do so. 

Please ask your DDS Advisor if you have any questions concerning the data we keep or the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please note that we will not speak to your parents / legal guardian about you without your express written permission.

Who will you share my information with?

DDS may need to disclose information about your disability with certain people in order to help support you. This information will only be shared where necessary and on a 'need to know' basis. We define 'need to know' as sharing sufficient information to help set up support and only with people involved in that process. We always ask the people with whom we share your information to respect your confidentiality and to not share information with anyone else unless they are also involved with your support. 

Those with whom the DDS may share your information subject to your consent may include (but is not strictly limited to):

  • The Examinations Office.
  • Your School.

DDS may also share student data with other university departments, such as the Careers Service, for recruitment, statistics, and monitoring purposes.

Where appropriate, and with your consent, DDS may also need to request and / or share further information about your support needs from individuals and / or agencies outside of the University such as:

  • Your GP.
  • Your Consultant / other healthcare professional.
  • Your Mental Health Support Team.
  • Your Educational Psychologist.
  • Your previous education provider.
  • Your funding body (e.g. Student Finance England)

Only necessary information will be shared in order to support you during your time studying at London Metropolitan University.  We respect your confidentiality and assure you that any information shared will be handled in a sensitive and discreet manner.

Confidentiality - talking to us

We are committed to ensuring that all communication of a personal, sensitive or confidential nature that takes place with you does so without fear or risk of disclosure. 

Face to face appointments with your DDS Advisor will take place in an appropriate private location on-campus. Your DDS Advisor will be in a similarly suitable setting when speaking with you during a video or telephone appointment.  Students are advised to choose a quiet location without distractions for video or telephone calls to ensure that discussions remain confidential.

Students who are yet to register with DDS

If you are yet to register with DDS and have a question or would like to book an appointment with a DDS Advisor please contact us via telephone or email:

You can also use our appointment request form.

Students who are already registered with DDS

If you are already registered with DDS and would like to book an appointment please contact your DDS Advisor directly:

If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor, or if your advisor is not listed above, please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or phone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. You can also use our appointment request form.

Where can you meet an advisor?

We have appointments Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. DDS is currently offering face-to-face appointments on-campus, as well as telephone and video appointments. Please indicate your preference when you contact us. 

What will happen during my first appointment?

  • Your DDS Advisor will discuss with you how your disability or difficulty impacts on your studies.
  • Your DDS Advisor will review your documentary evidence and suggest appropriate adjustments to help support you during your time studying at London Metropolitan University. 
  • Your DDS Advisor can help you to apply for and organise Disabled Students' Allowances (subject to confirmation of eligibility).
  • You may be referred for a dyslexia screening or signposted to another service within the University where appropriate.

Appointments are booked for a maximum one hour. If you need more time to discuss matters it may be necessary to book a further appointment with you. 

Cancelled and missed appointments

DDS appointments are in high demand. If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment please notify DDS as soon as possible so we can offer the appointment slot to another student. If you repeatedly miss appointments without advance notification your use of the service may be terminated. 

Acceptable behaviour

DDS operates and communicates with courtesy, honesty and professionalism.

Students are expected to interact with all staff members in a similarly respectful way in accordance with the University's Student Conduct requirements. Bad language, threatening behaviour and raised voices will not be tolerated and may result in the termination of your use of the service.

Question: How do I get in contact with my DDS Advisor?

You can contact your DDS Advisor directly using the details below:

For general queries (or if you are not sure who your advisor is): 

Question: I need extra time to complete my work - how do I go about getting this?

If, for unforeseen reasons, you are unable to meet a coursework deadline or are unable to sit an exam (e.g. as a result of a flare-up of a health condition or an unexpected illness) then you may be eligible to apply for Mitigating Circumstances. You will be required to submit evidence with your application. This may include medical documentation previously submitted concerning a condition / diagnosis that is characterised by flare-ups.

If your application is approved, you will be able to submit your work / sit your exam as a first attempt at the next assessment point for the component(s) in question. Please see the Mitigating Circumstances Webpage for full information including details on how to apply.

Please note that the DDS does not oversee the Mitigating Circumstances process. Any queries concerning the Mitigating Circumstances process should be directed to mitigation@londonmet.ac.uk

Question: I am hoping to study at London Metropolitan University in the future and I have a disability, long-term medical condition (including mental health conditions) and / or Specific Learning Difficulty such as dyslexia.  What are my next steps?

Our team will be able to provide you with advice and guidance about your next steps and the support that is available to you. Early contact helps to ensure that your support is in place for when you start your programme so please contact us as soon as possible. For more information please see our Information for prospective students webpage

Question: I am an existing student at London Metropolitan University and I have a disability, long-term medical condition (including mental health conditions) and / or Specific Learning Difficulty such as dyslexia.  I have yet to contact DDS, what are my next steps?

Please contact DDS as soon as possible. Our team will be able to provide you with advice and guidance about your next steps and the support that is available to you.

Question: I am already registered with DDS and have a question regarding my support.  What are my next steps?

Please contact your DDS Advisor (details above) who will be happy to respond to your query. If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848.

Question: I am already registered with DDS and there has been a change in my condition / a new condition has been diagnosed. What are my next steps?

Please contact your DDS Advisor who will be happy to provide further advice and guidance, and discuss support. If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. 

Question: I would like to complete a dyslexia screening, what are my next steps?

If you suspect that you may have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia and would like to complete a screening, please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. For further information please see the DDS webpage concerning dyslexia screenings and SpLD diagnosis.

Question: I am already registered with DDS and have a question concerning DSA. What are my next steps?

Please contact your DDS Advisor who will be happy to respond to your query. If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. Please see our webpage about DSA for further information. 

Question: I am already registered with DDS and have a question concerning my INAR / the University adjustments that are in place. What are my next steps?

Please contact your DDS Advisor who will be happy to respond to your query. If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. For further information please see the DDS INAR webpage

Question: I am an international student, will I still be able to access DDS support? 

Yes, we are happy to hear from international students who have a disability, long-term medical condition (including mental health conditions) and / or Specific Learning Difficulty such as dyslexia. Please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848.

Question: How will DDS communicate with me?

DDS can communicate with you via face to face meetings, telephone, email or video conference. If you have communication support needs (including BSL) please contact us in order that appropriate arrangements can be made. We use MS Teams to conduct video calls. Students at London Metropolitan University can use their ID and password to use this platform. Students are advised to check their University email accounts regularly for emails from DDS and the wider University community. If you require further assistance concerning your University email account or have difficulties logging into MS Teams please contact the IT help and support team.

Question: I have a question about / would like advice about my non-medical helper support (e.g. study skills support, mental health mentor support). What are my next steps?

Please contact your DDS Advisor who will be happy to respond to your query. If you cannot recall the name of your DDS Advisor please contact us via email at studentservices@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone on +44(0)20 7320 2848. 

Question: How do I register with a GP?

To find your nearest GP take a look at the NHS Find a GP website and enter your postcode. This site will also tell you how you can contact and register with a GP 

Question: Where can I find information and contact details for my School Office?

Further information and contact details can be found on the School Offices webpage

Question: Where can I find information about mitigating circumstances?

Please see the mitigating circumstances webpage for detailed guidance and application forms. Please note, the mitigating circumstances process falls outside of the remit of DDS.

Question: Where can I find information concerning other Student Services Teams?

Please see the Student Services website for further information.

We regularly review and adjust our service to ensure that the advice, guidance and support we provide to students meets need, and reflects best practice.  We value your views and encourage you to feedback your comments as this will help shape a DDS for the future.

If you wish to share your comments and views please complete our Student Services Feedback Form.

Safeguarding is everybody's concern. If you have a concern about a member of our University community you must report this using the Safeguarding Concern Reporting Form. Even if you are not sure if the concern constitutes safeguarding, please report it. Raise all concerns, no matter how small you think it might be, no concern is too small to share.

Please see the University Safeguarding website for more information concerning safeguarding, including contact details for Local Safeguarding Officers.

Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) contact details

+44 (0)20 7320 2848


Student Services appointment request form

Please note: From August 2024, access to the Student Services office (TM1-33) will be via The Rocket Building entrance. After entering through the Rocket Building, proceed through the Yellow Zone towards the Highbury canteen and take the lift / stairs to TM1-33 on the First Floor .

9am to 5pm 

Monday to Friday

Tower Building

166-220 Holloway Road
N7 8DB



Room: TM1-33

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