Quick links
Other transport services will run but be busy so please plan your journey to campus in advance.
Every Thursday during term time from 3pm to 4pm on the mezzanine floor of Holloway library
Read your latest student newsletter - new edition out now!
In memory of Tom Burns
Working for what? Architectural Labour: Organising, Work, and Professionalisation
London Met Professor among top 2% of world���s scientists
Getting London Building event showcases London Met's commitment to skills development
Bridging Academia and Industry: London Met Secures KTP Project with Spend Network
London Met Academic Delivers Keynote at International Conference Featured on National TV
Careers andEmployabilityWebinars this Week
Job Opportunitiesfor EarlyChildhood Studiesstudents
Don’t missout—Library SkillsWorkshops are infull swing!
Health and WellBeing Advice