Confidentiality and How We Work with Students

London Metropolitan University is committed to ensuring that all students have an as equitable academic experience as possible. We therefore endeavour to work with disabled students to support them during their time on campus.
In line with the Equality Act 2010, the Universities Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) will work with disabled students to identify support needs and make reasonable adjustments in order to provide a safe and welcoming environment, in which access to study facilities and student programmes & services is equal for all.
Confidentiality is of great importance to the DDS and this is reflected in our operations and communication. Information relating to disability and any related support constitutes sensitive personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018), explicit permission from the data subject (i.e. the student) must be sought before this type of information is passed on to a third party unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
Please ask your DDS Advisor if you have any questions concerning the data we keep or the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please note that we will not speak to your parents / legal guardian about you without your express written consent (see below).
Under GDPR, you have the right to change your Consent agreement at any time. Please ask your DDS Advisor should you wish to do this as this may impact the support which can be offered.
Who will you share my information with?
The DDS may need to disclose information about your disability with certain people in order to help support you. This information will only be shared where necessary and on a 'need to know' basis. We define 'need to know' as sharing sufficient information to help arrange support and only with people involved in that process. We always ask the people with whom we share your information to respect your confidentiality and to not share information with anyone else unless they are also involved with your support or have your consent to do so.
Those with whom the DDS may share your information, subject to your consent, may include (but is not strictly limited to):
- The Examinations Office
- Your Academic School
- The Library
The DDS may also share student data with other university departments, such as the Careers Service, for recruitment, statistics, and monitoring purposes only.
Where appropriate, and with your consent, DDS may also need to request and / or share further information about your support needs from individuals and / or agencies outside of the University such as:
- Your GP.
- Your Consultant / other Healthcare Professional.
- Your Mental Health Support Team.
- Your Educational Psychologist.
- Your previous education provider.
- Your funding body (e.g. Student Finance England)
- Your DSA support providers
Only necessary information will be shared in order to support you during your time studying at London Metropolitan University. We respect your confidentiality and assure you that any information shared will be handled in a sensitive and discreet manner.
Confidentiality will only ever be broken if there is a legal requirement to do so, or you / someone else directly linked to you is in immediate risk of harm.
Confidentiality - talking to us
We are committed to ensuring that all communication of a personal, sensitive or confidential nature that takes place with you does so without fear or risk of disclosure.
Face to face appointments with your DDS Advisor will take place in an appropriate private location on-campus. Your DDS Advisor will be in a similarly suitable setting when speaking with you during a video or telephone appointment. Students are advised to choose a quiet location without distractions for video or telephone calls to ensure that discussions remain confidential.
Requesting Access to Your Data
As part of the GDPR regulations (2018), all students have the right to request copies of all data which is held about them. Should you wish to action this then the request must be made in writing to the University's Information Protection Officer.
Any Questions
Should you have any questions regarding the DDS Consent to Disclose process then feel free to contact us either by email at or by phone on +44 (0)20 7320 2848. Our office is open from 9am-5pm; Monday-Friday (TM1-33 - Holloway Road Campus).
Speaking with your Next of Kin / Trusted Contacts
The DDS recognises that in some cases, as a result of your disability, it can be beneficial for the help of a parent, guardian or next of kin to assist in your support. Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), all students over the age of 18 are legally considered as adults and you are therefore required to give written consent in order for personal information to be shared with others.
The 'Named Person Consent Form' gives us (the DDS) consent to communicate with persons of your choice regarding your DDS coordinated support and associated matters. You, as a student, will always be involved in all decisions and correspondence and we will seek your input with regards to all matters concerning your support. We encourage an independent learner approach where students are autonomous and self-advocating. Therefore, we ask that you maintain contact with us (either in writing, by phone / video call or in person) regarding your support and associated matters as far as possible.
Examples of information that we may share / discuss with named persons may include (but is not limited to):
- Details on internal adjustments / support which can be offered.
- Discussions around barriers to learning, previous support received and support required.
- Assistance with applying for and setting up DSA-funded support.
Please be aware that the Named Person Consent Form does not authorise the DDS to provide regular updates to named persons on information such as general university / DDS communications and / or the progress of your studies e.g. attendance and results. You should regularly check your University Email Account and Evision for updates of this nature in line with the Student Regulations.
If you give consent for the DDS to communicate with a named person of your choice, this will not apply to other university teams and departments. Should you wish for a next of kin or trusted contact to be included in communications with other teams at the university, you will need to provide written consent to that department directly.
Learner Agreement
Rights - What we do for you:
- Provide accurate and professional advice on disability related matters in line with the Equality Act 2010 (England, Wales and Scotland) and the Disability Discrimination Act (Northern Ireland) in order to put in place a bespoke package of support during your studies.
- Respond to all your queries as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please note that at busy times of the year this may take longer than usual.
- Comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
- Endeavour to direct you to any internal and external support services as and when appropriate.
- Process all applications and support requirements in a timely manner.
- Support and guide you through the process of Disabled Students' Allowances.
- Support you to liaise with academic staff where appropriate.
You agree to take responsibility for your learning by:
- Providing up-to-date and accurate medical evidence and notify DDS of any changes in your evidence and / or condition.
- Providing reasonable notice to the DDS for any additional support requirements / adjustments to support and notifying the DDS of any support changes required as soon as possible.
- Ensuring that you have completed your IEA request on Evision in a timely manner for exams, where applicable.
- Follow your Individual Exam Timetable for ensuring that you can access your exam arrangements appropriately.
- Ensuring that you can access your Coursework Cover Sheet and know how to use it, where applicable.
- Keeping your contact details up to date on Evision.
- Responding to communication from the DDS in a timely manner. This includes checking your University Email Account regularly.
In relation to the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) it is your responsibility to:
- Respond to all DSA correspondence in a timely manner.
- Organise your DSA Needs Assessment in a timely manner.
- Understand that it is your responsibility to organise equipment and non-medical help on receipt of your DSA2 Letter of Entitlement.
- Liaise with your DDS Adviser if you have any queries over your DSA provision.
- Understand that any equipment provided by the DSA is your responsibility to secure and maintain.
- Address all concerns with regards to your DSA provisions to your support providers in the first instance.
- Sign all timesheets for Non-Medical Helper (NMH) support in a timely manner.
The Disabilities and Dyslexia Service is unable to:
- Take any action or put support in place without appropriate medical documentation or full diagnostic report for an SpLD and written Consent to Disclose.
- Respond to queries from external parties (including parents) without written consent. This includes acting on requests / decisions from external parties and / or only liaising with others without your direct involvement. The only exception to this is if you or others are in immediate risk of harm.
- Become involved in requests for extensions to coursework deadlines, Mitigating Circumstances or appeals.
- Prompt you for relevant information or attendance at appointments.
- Answer emails or respond to direct queries external to the DDS on behalf of yourself or other students.
- Circumvent university processes, policies and regulations.
- Provide subject specific teaching and / or advice.
- Provide financial advice, careers advice or proof-reading services.
- Alter decisions made by funding bodies e.g. SFE relating to Disabled Students' Allowances.
For further information regarding the university's student conduct regulations, Student Partnership Agreement and wider student and academic regulations, please see StudentZone.
DDS Staff endeavour to treat you with professionalism, respect and dignity. We ask that this approach is reciprocated by students at all times.
Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) contact details
+44 (0)20 7320 2848
Student Services appointment request form
Please note: From August 2024, access to the Student Services office (TM1-33) will be via The Rocket Building entrance. After entering through the Rocket Building, proceed through the Yellow Zone towards the Highbury canteen and take the lift / stairs to TM1-33 on the First Floor .
9am to 5pm
Monday to Friday