
The University's Academic Regulations on Appeals exist to provide an appeal mechanism for students to appeal against an Assessment Board or Engagement Panel decision related to assessment results, academic progression and/or award. 

The Appeals Policy and Procedure 2023-24 is to appeal decisions made in the 2023-24 academic year.

The Appeals Policy and Procedure 2024-25 is to appeal decisions made in the coming 2024-25 academic year.

If you require additional advice or assistance, you are advised to contact the Student's Union by email, or contact your School Office.

The deadline for submitting an appeal is 10 working days from the date of notification of either an Assessment Board or Engagement Review Panel outcome. If you do wish to submit an appeal you are encouraged to do so as early as is practicable. Appeals received outside of this timeframe will usually be deemed invalid unless it has been demonstrated that there is good reason for any period of delay

Your completed form and supporting evidence must be submitted by email to the Student Casework Office at and arrive by the specified deadline. Appeals received after the deadline cannot normally be considered.

Assessment Board or Engagement Review Panel Decision

An appeal can only be based on:

  • The University did not act in accordance with the relevant Academic Regulations and/or Procedures;
  • You had been affected by circumstances which had a significant impact on you, but which, for good reason, you were previously unable to disclose via the relevant and appropriate University procedures;
  • The Assessment Board or Engagement Review Panel did not act in a way which was reasonable.  Please note, reasonable means that a similar meeting of the Board or Panel may not have reached the same conclusion.

Please note that not all aspects are covered by the appeals Regulations and Procedure.  The following will not be considered:

  • An appeal against academic or professional judgment. This relates to a decision made by an academic staff/examiner on the quality of an assessment or the criteria applied to mark work which had gone through due process.
  • An appeal against the termination of your student registration which has been brought under Section 16 of the Student Conduct Regulations and Procedure.  If this applies to you, the appeal option under Section 16 will apply.
  • An appeal against the termination of your student registration which has been brought under Section 5 of the Fitness to Student Academic Regulation.  If this applies to you, the appeal  option under Section 5 will apply.
  • If you're appealing because you are unhappy about an aspect of the University, its courses, services or an individual. Where an appeal is found to be based in part or as a whole on any of these matters, the Student Casework Office will inform you that these areas are covered by Section 14, the University's Complaints of Academic Regulations, and will be considered under that section. You may then be asked to complete a formal complaint form. Your case will be reclassified as a complaint and investigated under that procedure either by the Student Casework Office or forwarded by it to an impartial nominee.
  • If you are a student from one of the University's Collaborative/partner institutions, and you have exhausted the appeals procedure of that institution. If this applies to you, you should follow the Review stage of the appeals procedure.

The Student Casework Office will notify students of the outcome of their appeal by email within 25 working days of receipt of the appropriate appeal form, properly completed. The student casework office will endeavour to inform students of any delays in receiving appeal outcomes.

Please see Appeals Process Flow Chart for further information

Please note that appeals are, by their nature, often complex, requiring dialogue with various University offices to determine a full and accurate record and understanding of the events concerned. All appeals are considered on their individual merits and unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that decisions take some time to reach. The Student Casework Office will endeavour to update students of any delays in receiving appeal outcomes. 

Completed forms should be submitted to the Student Casework Office 

Stage 2 Appeal Review form 2024-25


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