Key subject collections

Indicates a cross-searchable EBSCO database = ★

  • Business Source Complete ★
    Provides company information, some SWOT analysis, market share of major companies including industry and country information.

  • FAME (Financial analysis made easy)
    Find company financials on 2 million UK and Irish companies providing up to 10 years of financial history, balance sheets, ratios and cash flow data. Use the help video on FAME to get an overview on the company reports, doing peer analysis and other searches.

  • Gartner
    Business and market analysis and IT solutions for businesses.

  • Mintel Reports
    Provides consumer market research including SWOT on the UK services industries, retail, fashion, tourism, travel, financial products, festivals, nightclubs, technology and social media.

  • Passport
    International market profiles and analyses including SWOT, market shares and brand shares. Content includes international country information and economic data, consumer lifestyles, consumer market sizes, forecasts, companies and brands. Breakdown of components for a Company and Industry Analysis  especially PEST analysis. Other guides are: Euromonitor database User Guide for Passport  and also a guide to working with statistics; the group sum function and other video guides.

  • Statista
    Contains reports providing overviews on industries, economics, forecasts and country statistics.  Also provides reports on current business, media trends including digital markets.

    See how to use Statista with the help of this video.

  • UK Data Service
    This is a comprehensive resource providing high-quality social and economic data. It is a single point of access to a wide range of secondary data which includes international micro/macro data from Eurostat, IEA, IMF, OECD, UNIDO and World Bank.
    Note: Users need to register in order to access restricted data such as UNIDO’s Demand Supply data. 
  • Academic Search Complete
    Useful for finding articles dealing with social issues for business topics such as Immigration, Globalization, CSR, corporate governance etc.

  • Business Source Complete ★
    Find scholarly journal articles on accounting, banking, business, finance topics.

  • Emerald Management E-journals
    Find subscribed journal articles on accounting, finance, business management.

    Archive of core scholarly journals starting with the very first issues for a number of economics and finance e-journals.

  • Sage Journals Online
    Access to full-text articles journals subscribed to by the library, including titles listed on e-journals economics list (link). See what's available by clicking on the "Sage contents available to me" button.

  • Science Direct
    Provide a large number of journals in full-text, which are useful for business, accounting, banking, economics and finance topics.

  • Taylor and Francis Open Journals
    Access some journals on a wide range of business topics.

  • Web of Science
    Find citation rankings for researchers within subject topics (not all full-text) for international scholarly literature world-wide.

  • Wiley Online Library
    Access to subscribed journals on accounting, finance, economics, management, marketing topics.

  • World Bank e-Library
    Working papers covering topics on international and economic development, global economics, international business, trade, finance and development, poverty, energy, environment, finance and financial sector; governance, industry, economics and trade.
  • Bloomberg 
    Major industry-level resources providing current and historical global data on banking, financial markets, economic indicators, company information and news.

    The Bloomberg Suite is located in Holloway Road campus in room T1-20 on the mezzanine area near the Tower building entrance. Students who require access need to ask their lecturer to request it via the IT Self-Service Portal
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