Student Conduct
At London Metropolitan we want students, members of staff, visitors to the University, members of the local community and external organisations that work with the University to enjoy, feel safe and be proud of being part of our community.
To ensure this, it is acknowledged that the University may need to act, either in the form of informal interventions, interim measures, or sanctions, if an individual's behaviour or conduct unduly interferes with the activities, or reputation of the University. This includes conduct on social media and online.
Please refer to:
Student Conduct Policy June Updated 2024-25
Student Conduct Policy and Procedure 2023-24
For previous academic years, regulations and procedures can be found in Section 9B the Archive (General Student Regulations) section.
Any student who is accused of misconduct is advised to seek assistance from the Students’ Union promptly.
Standard of Conduct
All students and applicants of London Metropolitan University's community are expected to:
Act safely with regards to the safety and well-being of others and in use of the University’s teaching, services, and premises.
Act in accordance with university policies, rules and regulations, and relevant legislation and external compliance.
Be respectful of others’ rights and dignity by treating all individuals fairly and with consideration.
Act within the law and not take part in activities or actions that are reasonably likely to negatively affect the reputation of the University.
Be honest, act with integrity and take accountability for how theiryour actions may affect others.
By accepting an offer at the University, students agree to conduct themselves in such manner, whether that be to other students, members of staff, visitors to the University or members of the local community.
Reporting Misconduct
To Report and incident of misconduct, please complete the online Misconduct Incident Report form.
Student Conduct Team
Allegations of misconduct should be reported promptly to the Student Conduct Team. The Student Conduct team is responsible for ensuring that cases are dealt with in a timely, fair, independent and confidential manner and in accordance to University policy, regulations and procedures. Please send all allegations of misconduct to
Staff - You can access additional guidance and resources (Staff login required) and the Student Conduct Officer is available for consultation regarding student misconduct matters. If the Student Conduct Officer is not available for consultation, please contact the Head of Student Casework at