Fitness to Study
The University recognises the importance of a student's health and wellbeing in relation to their academic progression and wider university experience.
The Fitness to Study Regulations is intended as a framework to be used by staff when a student's ability to progress academically and function at university appears to be detrimentally affected by their health or other circumstances.
The Fitness to Study process is not punative, it provides a procedural framework through which possible concerns can be addressed. The primary concern is for the health and wellbeing of students, and through the process, finding a supportive pathway forward.
Students are advised to review the current Fitness to Study Policy which can be found below:
Fitness to Study Policy 2024-25 (2024/25)
Fitness to Study Policy - Summary of Changes for 2024-25
Fitness to Study flow diagram
Our Fitness to Study process flow diagram is provided to illustrate the fitness to process. Students may wish to use this for reference, but must refer to the Fitness to Study Policy document as the primary guidance tool.
"Fitness to study" means a student's fitness to:
- Start a particular course of Academic Study; or
- Continue with their current course of Academic Study; or
- Return to their current course of Academic Study (or another course of Academic Study);
- A student's ability to meet the reasonable academic requirements of the course of Academic Study; and
- A student's ability to meet the reasonable social and behavioural requirements of a student of the University without having an unacceptably detrimental effect on the health, safety, welfare and / or education experience of the student, other students, or members of staff.
- "Academic Study" includes all teaching and learning elements including (but is not limited to), all placements and voluntary and / or compulsory trips.
"Suspension" means:
- A pause on the student's academic record and access to University premises and / or use of facilities whilst the Fitness to Study process is underway.
"Exploratory meeting" is:
- A collaborative and supportive initial meeting held between staff and student to discuss health and wellbeing concerns.
The exploratory Fitness to Study meeting
If you are invited to attend an exploratory Fitness to Study meeting you should prioritise attendance. You will meet with the Head of Student Services (or nominee), the School Head of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes (from your School), and if applicable, a representative Advisor within Student Services.
The meeting is led by the Head of Student Services (or nominee) with the Head of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes acting in a supportive / advisory role to consider the academic pathway. The role of the Student Services representative is to help facilitate discussion, give guidance on the support available, provide relevant information, and to facilitate later assessment (if deemed necessary).
School Heads of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes
- Emma Davenport - School of Art, Architecture and Design
- Ioannis Soilemetzidis - Guildhall School of Business and Law
- Christopher Lane - School of Computing and Digital Media
- Brian Tutt - School of Social Sciences and Professions
- Joanna Jenkins - School of Human Sciences
Historic Fitness to Study Policy Documents
Historic Fitness to Study documents are provided for reference:
Fitness to Study Policy 2023-24 (2023/24)
Fitness to Study Policy 2022-23 (2022/23)
Section 05 Fitness to Study (2021/22)
Support for Health and Wellbeing
- 24-hour advice and support for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for.
- Help speaking to a mental health professional.
- An assessment to find the right care for you.
- Samaritans:
- Web:
- Tel: 116 123
Student Services
Student Services is here to help you find the support you need. Find out about the services we offer via our team webpages: