
Spring semester 2025 May examinations

The Spring semester examinations will run from 12 to 30 May 2025.

Reassessment exams for February starters

Level 6 GSBL resit exams for February starters and Level 7 resit exams for February starters (all Schools)

If you are a GSBL February Starter or Level 7 February Starter student who had taken an exam in January which you subsequently now have a reassessment for, and you have now completed the taught elements of your course, you must take up your exam reassessment opportunity during the Spring semester examination period (12 - 30 May 2025) as these exam reassessments are compulsory.

The exam timetable will be published on Wednesday 9 April 2025.

If you have any immediate concerns, please contact your Course Leader.

Exam Timetable and Guidance

To check the dates and times of examinations and where they will be held, please refer to Exam Track. Please check promptly once the timetable has been published, so as to plan your revision and to ascertain whether you have any exam clashes. Exams will not always be held at the building or site at which the module is taught, and are not scheduled to be on the same day of the week as teaching.

Study Support

There are a range of support services available to help you prepare for your examinations at Study Resources.

Seen examination papers, together with case studies to be considered in advance of the exams, are normally published on the website. For 2024/25 they will be published on:

Autumn semester: 9 December 2024
Spring semester: 28 April 2025
Summer reassessment period: 30 June 2025

They may be viewed and printed from the Seen Exams web page from the day of publication.

Students who have two examinations scheduled on the same morning, afternoon or evening should apply for clash exam arrangements. You will need to take both exams on the specified day but in a separate location from the main scheduled exam. A student with exam clashes will not be permitted to leave the clash room between the two exams.

It is a student's responsibility to notify the University of examination clashes as soon as possible after the publication of the exam timetable. For 2024/25 the deadlines are:

Autumn semester: 12 December 2024
Spring semester: 28 April 2025
Summer reassessment period: 3 July 2025

Clash Definition

Students who have two examinations scheduled on the same morning, afternoon or evening will need to take both exams on the same day in a separate location. Note that exams taking place on the same date but at different times (morning, afternoon or evening) are not classed as clashes and should be taken as normal. Clash arrangements will only be made for students who have two or more exams on the same date at the same time. 

What to do if you have an exam clash

It is the student's responsibility to check the main published exam timetable on Exam Track as soon as this is published, to identify any clash of exams, and to advise clash details as soon as possible (and no later than the deadline date).

By email - please download and complete the Notification of Clash Form 2024-25.doc and email to clash@londonmet.ac.uk as an attachment.

If you have submitted a notification of clash form you will be notified by email (as long as a legible email address has been provided on the form) seven days prior to the start of the exam period. Please note that arrangements are made in the order that forms are received. Students will not be contacted by phone unless it becomes necessary to change arrangements already communicated.

Please note 

  • Exams cannot be changed to alternative dates.
  • Students will not be able to leave the examination room except under the supervision of an invigilator and students are therefore advised to bring food and drink with them on the day of their exams.
  • Any student leaving the clash room without supervision cannot be readmitted.  
  • Students will be permitted to revise in between their exams in the clash room but will not be permitted to use any electronic devices including mobile phones, laptops or tablets.

Students who require individual examination arrangements should, if they have not already done so, contact Student Services' Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) in order that an Individual Needs Assessment Report (INAR) can be made.

In addition, prior to each exam period, students who wish to sit one, or more, of their exams under Individual Arrangements MUST inform the University of the particular exams they intend to sit, by completing the Individual Examination Request Task via Evision.

For 2024/25 the deadlines are:

Autumn semester:
IEA Task Opens: 11 November 2024
IEA Task Deadline: 02 December 2024

Spring semester:
IEA Task Opens: 10 March 2025
IEA Task Deadline: 31 March 2025

Summer reassessment period:
IEA Task Opens for Autumn semester modules: 19 June 2025
IEA Task Opens for Spring semester and year-long modules: 26 June 2025
IEA Task Deadline: 03 July 2025

Individual examinations will be held on the same dates as main location exams - see Exam Track for details.

Students who have requested individual examination arrangements and have a valid INAR will be emailed their timetable as a downloadable PDF file. 

If you have not yet had a formal needs assessment agreed by the Disabilities and Dyslexia Service, please view the Disabilities and Dyslexia Service page for more information.

You must apply for Individual Examination Arrangements prior to each examination period, notes explaining the process and deadlines are available at IEA Evision Process.docx

You should sit your exams at the scheduled University locations. However if you feel that you need to be abroad at the time of one or more of your exams, you may apply to sit your exam(s) abroad at approved locations. If your request is authorised, Student Records and Assessment Office staff will assist in planning and administering the practical arrangements. Note that each exam must take place at the same time as the scheduled UK exam, and all of the University's Examination Policies apply as they would when sitting an exam in the UK.

Subject to University approval and the payment of an administration fee, it may be possible to take University examinations abroad in approved locations. Students have to obtain written confirmation from an appropriate institution that they may sit the exam in invigilated conditions in accordance with the University's regulations.

You need to submit your request using the Overseas Examination form as early as possible, and no later than the deadline date. As part of the request you will need to obtain written confirmation from an appropriate institution that they may sit the exam in invigilated conditions in accordance with the University's Examination Policies.

Deadlines for 2024/25 are:

Autumn semester: 2 December 2024
Spring semester: 7 April 2025
Summer reassessment: 3 July 2025

You should be aware that it is not always possible to make the overseas exam arrangements you have requested. When it is not possible to make these arrangements, you will be expected to sit the exam at London Metropolitan University, or to submit a claim for mitigating circumstances to cover your non attendance.

How to apply and further details 

By email - Please download and complete the Overseas Exam Form 2024-25.doc and email to overseasexam@londonmet.ac.uk as an attachment.

Student Records and Assessment Office staff will advise whether the request is authorised and administer approved requests. 

You will need to identify and contact a suitable institution abroad, normally either a British Council or a University or College of Higher Education, and to ascertain whether they are willing to act as an exam centre for you. This will include providing a suitable room, furniture and continuous invigilation. You should do this at the earliest possible opportunity. Written confirmation, normally by email, will be required from the institution. You will need to pay directly to the institution all the fees and expenses charged by the institution, so you should ask the institution about these prior to making any provisional arrangements. The University is unable to approve any request until it has liaised with and received adequate assurances from the overseas institution. 

Please note

  • you need to pay to London Metropolitan University a standard administrative charge. This covers liaison with the institution about detailed arrangements, including confirming how the institution will satisfy the requirements of the University's Examination Policies, expenses such as despatch of exam papers and associated materials, and receipt and processing of completed scripts sent back from the institution.

Charges and payment

Charges vary according to the number of examinations taken at a single overseas institution (exam centre) in any one exam period, and are currently as follows: 1 exam: £100, 2 exams: £175, 3 or more exams: £225.

If you need to take exams at more than one overseas centre during a single exam period, each centre is chargeable separately but at rates £30 below those above. If you need to cancel arrangements requested, a reduced fee (normally between 25% and 75% of the standard fee) will be chargeable, based on the amount of work already carried out and expenses already incurred.

The Student Records and Assessment Office will confirm the charge applicable in your case. Payment can be made via the eShopIt is important however not to make payment until you are requested to do so.

Note that exam papers will only be despatched to the overseas centre once the Student Records and Assessment Office has confirmation that full payment has been received.

Additional Contact

British Council

Tel: +44 (0) 161 957 7755

Use of a bilingual paper dictionary in examinations is permitted (except if specifically excluded in the exam question paper rubric) when a student has a genuine need, provided the dictionary is suitable, appropriate approval is obtained in advance, and necessary checking is carried out and recorded at the start of each exam.

Prior to each exam period you will need to print a copy of the form available below, complete section 4, and then for each exam complete part 1 of section 5 and ask the relevant module tutor to confirm the need for the dictionary by completing part 2 of section 5. You will need to ensure that you seek the necessary confirmation(s) in good time, prior to each exam period.

At each exam, you must present the form and dictionary to an invigilator before the exam starts, for checking and confirmation that the dictionary is suitable (does not contain information other than translation), that there are no annotations other than your name and contact details, and that no material has been inserted. The invigilator should sign at part 3 of section 5. (If there are annotations or enclosures of any kind, the dictionary cannot be used.)

Full guidance is provided on the Use of bilingual dictionary in examinations form , which should preferably be printed double-sided, and all pages including the guidance should be stapled together.

You can view a selection of past exam papers. This service is available only to students and staff of London Metropolitan University.

 Please note

  • revisit these pages regularly to ensure you have the latest information. Dates and other information may occasionally require revision.
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