Student Services

female student smiling with colleague

Student Services Operations 

Student Services offers a combination of face to face, telephone and online appointments via MS teams. Please contact us using one of the methods below.

T: +44 (0)20 7320 2848

Please use the student services appointment request form to request a meeting with the Student Money and Accommodation Advice Service and Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS).

Student Services is interested in your views which can help us improve our services. Please complete our feedback form.

From August 2024, access to the Student Services office (TM1-33) will be via The Rocking Building entrance. After entering through the Rocket Building, proceed through the Yellow Zone towards the Highbury canteen and take the lift / stairs to TM1-33 on the First Floor. 

The 2024 Student Services Seasonal Support Guide is now available! See the our webpages for a range of helpful support resources and things to do.  

Our Student Services team is here to help you maximise your potential and support you with the challenges you may face while you study. Find more information on the services we offer below:

When you make contact with Student Services, the information you give will be treated in line with the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and anonymous statistical information will be kept and used to aid the efficient running of Student Services.

We are committed to ensuring that all communication of a personal, sensitive or confidential nature that takes place with you does so without fear or risk of inappropriate disclosure.
Consent to Share
We will only collect data that is necessary to support you. In some cases, we need to share your data with external partners in order to better support you but we will always ask for your permission to do this.
What information we hold about you
The information you provide such as your name, contact details, date of birth and course information will be used to book your appointment with relevant Student Services Teams. Any additional information you provide to individual Student Services teams will be held in accordance with 2018 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please see individual Student Services team webpages for further information concerning confidentiality.
How long we keep your information
We will only store your personal data for as long as is necessary in accordance with data retention policies up to a maximun of 7 years.
Please also see the University's privacy policy.

Student Services teams have a range of training workshops for students. Click below to sign up for an upcoming event for each team:

Counselling Service Events

For more information on groups, visit the Healthy Campus Initiative

  • Weekly Wellbeing drop-in sessions 

The Counselling team will be running weekly, creative drop-in sessions, every Thursday, during term time. Each week, a space to be you. No need to book, just drop in if you wish.

Time: 3pm to 4pm, room TM1- 25 (Holloway campus)  

The space will offer: 
  • A selection of one to one and group creative activities 
  • Open group discussion 
  • An opportunity to find out more about one-to-one counselling 
  • Learning better coping strategies 
  • Grow through shared experiences
  • Focus on self-care
For further information, please contact the Counselling team.
Session facilitator: 
Sessions will take place at the Holloway campus: 166-220 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DB
  • Support Group for survivors of abuse | Look out for more dates
  • Finding your balance - Let's Talk: a support group for students 

Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) Events

  • Get Tech Go | TBC

Student Money and Accommodation Advice Service Events

  • Compelling Personal Reasons - how to apply and when is it relevant? | TBC
  • Postgraduate funding for final year undergraduates | TBC
  • Planning your money when you graduate | TBC

Safeguarding - it is everybody's concern

London Metropolitan University is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. At London Metropolitan University safeguarding is everybody's concern. Raise all concerns, no matter how small you think it might be, no concern is too small to share.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is about protecting a person's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about working together to prevent and stop both the risk and experience of abuse or neglect.  Safeguarding at London Metropolitan University includes children, vulnerable adults, radicalisation, violence against women, harassment and hate crime. 

To report a concern and for more information please see the University Safeguarding Webpages.  

TalkCampus is a global mental health support network which provides students with free and instant support for your mental health. Support is available 24/7 so you never have to feel alone.

In the case of a serious emergency that requires the assistance of emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, Police) please phone 999 immediately. To use an internal phone, add an additional 9 and dial 9999.
You must then also contact the University Security Team on ext 3333. This is to ensure that the Security Team can take the necessary steps depending on the emergency and to also enable access to the building for the emergency services.

Counter-Terrorism Policing is asking students, universities, and student unions to stay safe and know what to do in case of an emergency incident. The UK's Senior National Coordinator for Protective Security, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lucy D'Orsi, adds: "There is no specific intelligence to say colleges and universities are being targeted and the chances of being caught up in a terrorist incident or weapons attacks are still low. But sadly we have seen lethal assaults carried out by people with a variety of deadly motives. So it is important everyone stays alert and knows what to do if the worst was to happen." Firearms and weapon attacks are rare but all communities need to be prepared. If you should get caught up in an incident, their advice is simple: Run, Hide, Tell.

Run to a place of safety. This is a far better option than to surrender or negotiate. If there is nowhere to go then...

Hide, it's better than to confront. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can. Then finally, and only when it is safe to do so...

Tell the police by calling 999.

Remember if you see anything suspicious that is giving you cause for concern, trust your instincts and ACT. Contact the Security Team or report to specialist officers online.

In an emergency always call 999.

You may also find this list of Health and Emergency contacts helpful.
Additional Staff Information:  Details of first aiders based in your area can be found on the First Aider lists for Campus Buildings. You may also need to log the incident on the Accident and Incident Reporting Form.
Depending on the emergency, it may also be appropriate to make a Safeguarding Report. Please refer to your Local Safeguarding Officer for advice.  

London Metropolitan University is committed to equal opportunities and all applications are considered on their individual merits.   

Occasionally the University admits students who are under the age of 18 years. These students and their parents/guardians should understand that the University predominantly admits students who are over the age of 18 years and that they will be entering into an adult environment. The University treats all its students as independent, mature individuals and students who are under the age of 18 years will be treated in the same way.  

The usual personal and academic support arrangements will apply to students who are under 18 years old. However, the University acknowledges that anyone under the age of 18 is legally a child and recognises that students under the age of 18 may therefore have additional needs in relation to their wellbeing.  

As an apprenticeship student, you have access to a wide range of pastoral care and support provided by the student support services at the University. 

As an apprentice, the support you receive in the workplace through your workplace mentor is as crucial as that you receive through the university. If you have a wellbeing issue whilst you are at work you may be able to raise this with your mentor. If you feel that you are unable to raise concerns with your mentor you can still contact the university even if you are in your workplace.

If you have a concern outside the opening hours of the university and your own working hours the links within the community support services section, below, lead to organisations that may be able to help you outside of our normal operating hours.

If you feel unsafe and are in imminent danger you should contact the emergency services.

If you have any general queries regarding your course please email the Apprenticeships team.

Optimise your time at university by staying connected to the London Met community, try new things and make new connections. 
PASS Scheme (peer-assisted student success)

The Students' Union offers specialist support and advice and can also help advise on academic support.

Contact details:

Information on how to obtain academic support and guidance.
PASS Scheme (peer assisted student success)
Student Services is here to support and advise you if you experience any difficulties while you're studying. We can also help you make contact with external organisations and support services in your community, such as those noted below:



Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support and legal services. And we campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to us for help.


Crisis supports people out of homelessness for good through education, training and support with housing, employment and health. They offer one to one support, advice and courses for homeless people in 12 areas across England, Scotland and Wales

Addiction support

Turning Point

Advice on how to deal with issues and the consequences relating to substance abuse

Alcohol Change

A national charity working to help reduce the problems that can be caused by alcohol.

Talk to Frank

Friendly, confidential drug advice.

Narcotics Anonymous

NA is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The organisation consists of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. The information on this site is provided for those who think they may have a drug problem, professionals working with addicts seeking recovery, for recovering addicts.

Giving Up Smoking

An on-line NHS resource offering advice, information and support for those who wish to stop smoking and stay stopped.


A national centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law that provides free non-judgmental, specialist advice and information to the public and professionals on issues related to drug use and to drug law.

Bullying, harassment and abuse

The Quetzal Project

Support for women recovering from childhood abuse

Bully Online

This web site deals in particular with work-place bullying. The site aims to help a variety of people around bullying issues: employees being bullied, an employer dealing with bullying, a concerned family member, a union rep, counsellor, professional, researcher, journalist, etc.


Resources to support those who have been falsely accused of rape, another serious sexual offence, or domestic violence.

Victim Support

Victim Support (VS) is an independent charity for people affected by crime and traumatic events in England and Wales. Their specialist teams provide individual, independent, emotional and practical help to enable people to cope and recover from the effects of crime.

Women's Aid

A charity dedicated to providing support and education to women and children who have been victims of domestic abuse. They also offer training to professionals and/or survivors who would like to engage in the effort to support others.

Jewish Women's Aid

Run by Jewish women for Jewish women who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence. Freephone helpline, with 24-hour answerphone outside of helpline hours. face to face individual counselling. Outreach support for women living in the community, offering advice and information on a range of issues, including housing, legal and welfare benefits. Kosher refuge.


Refuge is committed to a world where domestic violence is not tolerated or ignored and where women and children can live in safety. Refuge's network of safe houses provides emergency accommodation for women and children when they are most in need. The website also gives a telephone helpline.

Survivor's Resource

Male survivors of childhood sexual abuse and male rape have until recently been the silent, unseen victims of sex crimes; often forgotten by the support services and legal system. In the last couple of years, this has fortunately begun to slowly change.

Survivors on the Net

A web site established for survivors of childhood abuse. Contains information and biographical material from people who have experienced abuse.

Home Office

PDF from the home office website aimed at parents whose children may be impacted, encouraged or affiliated with youth gang culture.


A location-based website to track where anti-Muslim hate crimes happen on a map so that safety can be considered on a day to day basis. Through care and support signposted where needed.

Sharan Charity

UK based charity providing support to women particularly of south Asian origin who have left voluntarily or been forced to leave their home due to religious and/or cultural pressures.

Domestic violence

NDV Helpline

Advice and guidance linked with a 24 hours support helpline.


Advice for women and children including issues around forced marriage, FGM, domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, modern-day slavery.

Men's Advice

A helpline offering advice, emotional support and signposting to males who are victims of domestic abuse by partners or ex-partners.


Specialist service for women and their families in Haringey, Newham, and Hackney who are at the highest risk of murder or injury through domestic violence.


Cyber Aware

Advice on being 'Cyber Aware'

Get safe online

Providing practical advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobile devices against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. 


Save the Student Rent Calculator

Use the rent budget calculator below to see how much you can afford in rent each month after everything else is considered.

First Love Foundation Foodbank

We give food, support and advice to people who are facing a crisis in their lives. From the moment someone walks into one of our foodbank centres, we sit down with them to listen to their story and understand how we can help them get their life back on track. We work together with our partners, to help people transform their lives and build stronger communities.

International - General Guidance

British Council

UK's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

EHIC - European Health Insurance Card

Information about and link to the application for EHIC card for EU nationals

UKCISA - Information on Brexit for European students and their families

Information about how the UK leaving the European Union may affect you.

UKCISA - Brexit - EU Settlement Scheme

Information about the EU Settlement Scheme, what it is and the application process.

UK National Agency for Erasmus+

Partnership between British Council and Ecorys UK managing the delivery of Erasmus+ in the UK

Visit London

Official London tourism website run by Mayor of London's promotional Agency, London & Partners, offering events calendars, links to what's on in London and how to get the most out of time in the city.

International - Immigration Support


Expert, confidential advice for international students looking for information on immigration and fee status.

UKVI - UK Visas and Immigration

UK Home Office website with information and guidance about applying for various UK visas.

JCWI - Joint Council for Welfare of Immigrants

Charity working to support immigrants in the UK including legal advice and guidance.

Mental and Emotional Health


Free, confidential support for those in need of someone to talk to.

Anxiety UK

A service to promote the relief and rehabilitation of persons suffering from agoraphobia and associated anxiety disorders.


provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.


Prevention of young suicide

Counselling directory

Extensive search engine for Counselling, Psychotherapy professionals and other Mental Health Professionals in the UK.

The Mix 

Essential support on a range of services for under 25s.


A free, confidential listening service for students.


Whether you have a mental illness yourself or are caring for someone else who has; whether you are a healthcare professional, or you simply want to know for yourself - there are facts, information and advice on a wide range of subjects right here, at your fingertips.


GamCare takes a non-judgmental approach on gambling and works to develop strategies that will: improve the understanding of the social impact of gambling, promote a responsible approach to gambling, address the needs of those adversely affected by a gambling dependency.

Bipolar UK

an organisation for people whose lives are affected by Bipolar. Services include: Support groups, information and publications, Support Line.

Students Against Depression

This website has been developed with the help of student consultants who have been affected themselves by depression, low mood or suicidal thoughts. Although the site offers lots of information and resources for tackling depression, the real experiences of depression described by these students are the most important aspect of what this site has to offer.

No Panic

The web site aims to help people experiencing compulsive disorders, and other related anxiety disorders, including tranquilliser withdrawal, and to provide support to sufferers and their families and or carers by the following means: telephone helpline, night-time crisis line, reading materials, recovery programmes etc.

APNI - Association for Post Natal Illness

The Association for Post-Natal Illness is the leading organisation in its field. It is a registered charity, established in 1979 to: provide support to mothers suffering from post-natal illness, increase public awareness of the illness, to encourage research into its cause and nature.

Cruse Bereavement Care

CRUSE Bereavement Care is a charity that offers free information and advice to anyone who has been affected by a death; provides support and counselling one to one and in groups; offers education, support, information and publications to anyone supporting bereaved people; increases public awareness of the needs of bereaved people through campaigning and information services.


BPDWORLD information focuses on borderline personality disorder (BDP) but the site has a lot of information about other issues including depression, self-harm, schizophrenia, anxiety and more. There are forums, chat opportunities, peer support systems, live chat to volunteers, and a journal system.

The Survivors Trust

The Survivors Trust (TST) is a national umbrella agency for over 135 specialist rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse support organisations throughout the UK and Ireland. The aim of the Trust is to empower survivors of rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse through supporting and improving effective responses to survivors. Member organisations provide a range of direct services to survivors including counselling, support, helplines and advocacy services for women, men and children.

Beat Eating Disorders

Charity offering help, treatment and training on how to tackle eating disorders. Their services extend from helplines, message boards, counselling/psychotherapy to online and peer support groups.

National Centre for Eating Disorders

This site gives information and professional help on all aspects of eating disorders including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and related eating disorders.

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. The organisation welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members and the organisation is self-supporting through its own contributions. Its primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive overeating and to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer.

Refugee Therapy Centre

Provides psychotherapeutic help for children and families of recently arrived refugees who are having problems of adjustment.

National Self Harm Network

The National Self-Harm Network (UK based but available to everyone from any country) has been a survivor-led organisation since 1994. We're committed campaigners for the rights and understanding of people who self-harm. Our priority is to support survivors and people who self-harm. We also support the people it indirectly affects, like family and friends, they can discuss the issue and gain effective support in our forums.

Equilibrium Self Harmony

Equilibrium is a unique award-winning user-led self-injury awareness organisation designed to help educate and support people who self-harm and their family and friends.


A leaflet provided by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, for anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or know some else who has. Deals with such issues as the causes of PTSD, what it feels like, symptoms such as flashbacks and nightmares, exacerbating factors, psychological and physical explanations of PTSD, help and treatments.

David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages

Trauma Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and dissociation, whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster. The purpose of this award-winning site is to provide information for clinicians and researchers in the traumatic-stress field. Specifically, my interests here include both clinical and research aspects of trauma responses and their resolution.

Freedom From Torture

Founded in 1985, the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture provides care and rehabilitation to survivors of torture and other forms of organised violence.

Survivors International

Survivors International is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing essential psychological and medical services to survivors of torture who have fled from around the world to the San Francisco Bay Area. SI aims to help survivors put the pieces back together by providing the support they need to re-establish healthy and productive lives after their experiences of torture.

The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture

VFST was established in 1987 to meet the needs of people in Victoria who were tortured or traumatised in their countries of origin, in other countries, or while fleeing those countries. The Foundation is non-denominational, politically neutral and non-aligned. The Foundation provides direct care to survivors of torture and trauma in the form of counselling, advocacy, family support, group work, psycho-education, information sessions and complementary therapies. Though not British based, the site contains useful information.

Become - Care leavers 

Support and advice to young care leavers to help them reach their full potential

Women and Girls Network

The Women and Girls Network offers counselling, advocacy and advice for women and girls who have experienced gendered violence, including sexual and domestic violence.

Physical Health


Advice on how to deal with and manage eating disorders

Sexual assault

NHS - Help after Sexual Assault

Detailed guidelines for people who have experienced rape or sexual assault. Includes a list of what to do and ways to seek support.

The Havens

Specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

Rape Crisis

An umbrella organisation that supports the work of rape crisis centres across England and Wales. Includes information on support services, self-help materials, and information on sexual assault.

Survivors UK

Survivors UK supports and provides resources for men who have experienced any form of sexual violence: 'We aim to actively promote awareness of both the prevalence and effect of the sexual abuse and rape on boys and men'. Survivors UK is based in Central London and provides information, support and counselling.

The Survivors Trust

Information and support for those people experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse

Sexual health 


Free, confidential information regarding a range of sexual health topics.

C-Card Registration and Distribution

Free condom distribution to under 25s.


Comprehensive sex education and relationships information.

Sexpression: UK

Comprehensive information regarding sex-education, sexual health, and relationships.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, or SLAA, is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented Fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. SLAA is open to anyone who knows or thinks they have a problem with sex addiction, love addiction, romantic obsession, co-dependent relationships, fantasy addiction and/or sexual, social and emotional anorexia.


Naz Project London provides sexual health and HIV prevention and support services to South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African, Horn of African and Latin American Communities. Naz aims to educate and empower communities to face up to the challenges of sexual health and the AIDS pandemic, and to mobilise the support networks that exist for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Terrence Higgins Trust

Terrence Higgins Trust Counselling offers these services: Individual and couple counselling for gay men and anyone affected by HIV/AIDS. Service for 16-25 year olds, support for African people, sexual health counselling for gay men. Counselling for gay men with relationship difficulties. Appointments are available throughout the week, including evenings. Counselling is offered at sites across London.


Stonewall was founded in 1989 with the aim of creating a professional lobbying group on behalf of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals and to put the case for equality on the mainstream political agenda by winning support within all the political parties. The web site provides information of a range of issues including criminal law, partnership, parenting, violence.

Jewish Aids Trust

The Jewish AIDS Trust aims to provide the Jewish community with education, counselling and support in connection with HIV infection and AIDS. The site contains a great deal of information and quizzes.

Trans Unite

An online platform that allows members of the transgender & non-binary communities to find a support group local to them (or even an online-only group). The site is run by volunteers and a not for profit organisation. Users can find a local group and even message them directly from the site using the "Contact Group" button. They don't store any details and the site is secured by SSL.

Students with children


Supporting single-parent families to live secure, happy and fulfilling lives.

Gingerbread (Single Dads pages) 

Practical advice to help dads in the first couple of years of becoming a single parent.


Online support and signposting service for parents going through separation or divorce.

Dads House

Set up in 2008 with the aim of supporting dads through the practicalities of raising children alone.

To have your say in an election or referendum in the UK, you must be registered to vote. Register to vote online at

Find out everything you need to know about voting in the UK (including eligibility to vote) at

Accident and Emergency Departments

Guy's Hospital St Thomas Street London SE1   020 7188 7188 
King's College Hospital Denmark Hill London SE5 0203 299 3240
North Middlesex Hospital Sterling Way London N18 020 8887 2000
Royal Free Hospital Pond Street London NW3 020 7794 0500
Royal London Hospital Whitechapel Road London E1 1BB 020 7377 7000 
St Mary's Hospital (Paddington) Praed Street London W2 0203 312 2447
St Thomas's Hospital Lambeth Palace Road London SE1 020 7188 7188
University College Hospital 235 Euston Road London NW1 0845 155 5000
Whittington Hospital Highgate Hill London N19 0207 288 5704

Emergencies can also be reported through the police, ambulance and fire brigade by dialling 999, free from any telephone

Minor injuries unit

St Bartholomew's Hospital  West Smithfield London EC1 0203 465 6843


You can register with a doctor within 3 miles of the area that you live in. Further information on doctors available in your area.

Emergency Dental Treatment

Guy's Hospital Dental Institute St Thomas Street London SE1 020 7188 7188
Royal London Hospital Whitechapel Road London E1 020 7377 7000

Medical Advice

NHS Choices

Meningitis Now

Meningitis Now

Helpline and emergency information  
0808 80 10 388 

Meningitis Research Foundation 

080 8800 3344 

Multiple Sclerosis

For more information on the symptoms, causes and treatment please consult our Mumps student information form and check the NHS Choices webpage.
NHS Walk-in centres
Newham General Hospital  Glen Road London E13 020 7363 9200
Royal London Hospital  174 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BZ 020 7943-1333 

Pregnancy, contraception and sexual health

Sexual Health London

Find online services or your local clinic

British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Advice and help 
08457 30 40 30 

Brook Advisory Centres 

Confidential advice on contraception, sexual problems and pregnancy testing

0800 0185 023 

Nearest Brook Advisory at:

Brook Islington 
Brook @ Pulse N7 
164 Holloway Road 
London N7 8DD 
Tel: 020 7527 1300 

Family Planning Association 
0845 310 1334

Open Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm 
Website includes information on emergency contraception.


For more information on spiking please see the London Metropolitan Police's Spiking webpage.

Student Services Contact Details

Contact us Email - Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Room number: TM1-33 Please note: From August 2024, access to the Student Services office (TM1-33) will be via The Rocket building entrance. After entering through the Rocket Building, proceed through the Yellow Zone towards the Highbury canteen and take the lift / stairs to TM1-33 on the First Floor.

Contact form

+44 (0)20 7320 2848

Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

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