Support and wellbeing

We all need support from time to time and so we have gathered together a broad list of resources for you to access. Working with others, including the Student Services teams, it is often much easier to find a positive pathway forward in times of difficulty. If you require help, seek it early to help avoid difficulties escalating.
Mental Health support
The holiday season can bring a mix of emotions for many people. While it's a time of celebration for some, it can intensify difficult feelings for others.
Remember, if you're struggling during the holidays, you're not alone, there are services open over the festive period who you can contact for support, understanding and advice.
Here are some resources for practical and emotional support:
Crisis services
- Samaritans - A talking and listening service open 24 hours per day, every day of the year.
- NHS Crisis support - If you need help for a mental health crisis, emergency or breakdown, you should get immediate expert advice and assessment.
- Papyrus Hopeline - If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINE247 for confidential support and practical advice.
Other services / resources
- Free Psychotherapy Network - The Free Psychotherapy Network are offering online groups for people living in the UK who are isolated. The network particularly reaches out to people who have few resources or opportunities for support, conversation and connectedness.
- - Enjoy a free curation of meditations, sleep stories, music and more, all hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time.
- Rethink Mental Illness - An exciting mental health service for people aged 18 years and over who live, work or study in the five London Boroughs of Camden, Islington, Enfield, Barnet and Haringey. The service is free and confidential, and no referral is required.
- Moodzone - NHS portal with a variety of self-help resources from general information about recognising anxiety symptoms, accessing therapeutic support, e.g. CBT, Counselling, to links on improving general wellbeing through regular exercise, eating healthily, avoiding substance misuse, e.g. caffeine, alcohol and smoking, or seeking support through support groups such as No Panic.
- - Support and resources to help cope with anxiety, depression and loneliness.
- Mind Islington - Integrated community support service providing open-access day services opportunities for Islington residents who are experiencing mental health challenges.
- Befrienders Worldwide - Find listening and support services wherever you are in the world with Befrienders Worldwide.
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) - a suicidal thoughts organisation with a talking and listening service open every day.
- SANE - SANE has a range of services to help improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.
Virtual mental health support
- TalkCampus app - Get instant support for your mental health any time, day or night.
Student life can be incredibly tough. At TalkCampus we are here for the moments when you just need a friend. Talk anonymously to students from universities and colleges around the world going through similar struggles you are any time of the day or night.
- Student Space is here to make it easier for you to find the support that you need.
However you're feeling, help and guidance is available. Explore a range of trusted information, services and tools to help you with the challenges of student life.
The support provided by Student Space is safe, confidential and developed with students and experts in student wellbeing and mental health. There is a wealth of guidance on studying and top tips for support over the festive break.
Other Support
- National LGBTQIA+ Support Line - For anyone, anywhere in the country, at any point in their journey. You can discuss anything related to sexuality and gender identity. Whether it's sexual health, relationships or just the way you're feeling.
- Frank - Help, advice and information on drugs (Tel: 0300 123 6600).
- Silver Line Helpline - Age UK free and confidential telephone service for older people (Tel: 0800 470 80 90).
- Refuge - 24/7 specialist domestic abuse organisation supporting thousands of survivors, helping them to overcome the physical, emotional, financial and logistical impacts of abuse and rebuild their lives (Tel: 0808 2000 247).
- Unseen - UK modern slavery and exploitation helpline (Tel: 08000 121 700).
Carers Support
If you are a carer and need help and support, please see the advice and resource links below. It is important to look after yourself if you look after others.
- Practical tips if you care for someone - An NHS guide.
- NHS Carers Direct (0300 123 1053) - Offers support and help for carers - Helpline and webchat open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm and weekends, 11am to 4pm.
- Carers UK (0800 808 7777) - Carers helpline open: Monday and Tuesday, 10am to 4pm.
- Careline, a crisis telephone helpline (020 8514 1177) - Open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm and 7pm-10pm.
- SupportLine (01708 765200) - A helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to provide support before the point of crisis.
- Forward Carers - Support for Carers over the Christmas period.
- Alzheimer's Society - Christmas advice for people affected by dementia. Dementia Connect support line (0333 150 3456).
Family support
Winter is an expensive time of year for all. The good news is there is support out there if you know where to look. Here are some of our best recommendations:
- Parent House - London Met is proud to have made links with the wonderful and supportive Parent House who offer a mentoring programme and a diary of social events and support for Islington based parents.
- Our Place courses - As a London Met student, you can access these courses for free by entering the passcode 'Bright start' and using the university Holloway Road postcode: N7 8DB
- Trussell Trust - Food banks are grassroots, community organisations aimed at supporting people with the essentials in life. The Trussell Trust provides a search facility to help you find a local foodbank. Staff in the Student Money and Accommodation Advice team can also issue foodbank vouchers through their appointments with students.
- Families who qualify for free school meals report the financial burden of feeding the family during the holidays. There are many schemes run by local councils who work hard to combat holiday hunger by offering free hot meals. At the time of print, some local councils have not finalised their dates but a quick google search of 'free hot meals for children Christmas' (and your borough) should provide some information.
- Surestart - Check out your local Surestart Centre for support and activities over the holidays and term time. Our local centres, Islington and Tower Hamlets, both offer a fantastic programme of free activities and support.
- Free Islington parenting programmes - Excellent online courses for parents and carers.
- Cold weather payment - Make sure you claim all the financial support available to you. If you are in receipt of benefits listed in the link, you can apply for support towards your heating costs.
- Free things to do with kids over the winter break - You don't have to spend money to make memories with your family. Pack a picnic and a flask and try some things on this list of free things to do with kids in London.
- Gingerbread Helpline - Advice and information to support all single parents so that they have the tools to support their children and themselves.
- Winstons Wish - Provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people (up to 25) and those who care for them.
Estranged students and care leavers
The Student Money and Accommodation Team have dedicated named contacts if you are estranged or a care leaver. We are here to help your time at University go as smoothly as possible but there may be times when you need that extra bit of support. Please see below for links to our information sheets and help available:
- Care leavers information sheet Care Leaver contact - Isabel Patrick & Eloise Peters.
- Estranged students information sheet Estranged Students contact - Isabel Patrick & Eloise Peters.
- Stand Alone festive guide - A guide to help with some of the most common festive frustrations and give you an idea of how others in the community cope with the season.
- Unite support for care leavers and estranged students.
- Become - Advice for care leavers and those in care. Freephone (0800 023 2033).
- Gold From The Stone Foundation - Offers Christmas dinners for Care Leavers.
- Blackbullion Library - View and read some money tips through the blackbullion Library, you may pick up some handy tips over the festive period.
Social event - The Student Money and Accommodation team will be hosting a Mince Pie and coffee morning just before the end of term for Students, details will be available on the SMAA website shortly, and communicated out via the team.
Students who are not travelling home (including international students)
While it may be difficult to be away from friends and family, don't forget that you can still see them virtually. You may find it fun to organise a menu with food and drinks and pick an online platform. Then, arrange for everyone to get their ingredients and all gather online to cook a meal together that you can enjoy together (virtually) when you're done. This is a great way to keep you in touch with your loved ones and you may even learn a new dish or two! Arrange online dinner and drinks, games or even a karaoke session!
- Hosting a virtual party - A Taste of Home guide.
- Play online boardgames - A Wired guide.
- Online party games with friends - A Time Out guide.
- Christmas markets in London - A Visit London guide.
- Great bus routes for sightseeing - If it's too cold to walk, jump on a London bus to take in the best bits of the city.
- Free attractions in London - Visit some of the many attractions in the city.
- International Student House - Check out exciting festive events organised by the International Student House.
- Christmas at Portobello - A festive winter market every Sunday in December (3rd, 10th and 17th) on the famous Portobello Road.
- A student's guide to Christmas in London - A Top Universities guide to locations and events in London.
- Welcome to London - A Visit London guide to locations and events in London and experiencing it from home.
- Christmas in London - A Visit London guide.
Free online courses - If learning takes your fancy, there are online resources for a range of courses from:
- Harvard University Free Online courses
- Open Learn from the Open University
- Coursera - Coursera offers paid courses and access to many free courses from universities and institutions.
- edX - Similar to Coursera, edX offers a wide range of free online courses from universities and colleges worldwide.
- Stanford Online - Stanford University offers free online courses, including introductory and advanced topics.
- Udemy (Free Courses) - Udemy offers free courses in various fields, and you can filter by price to find free options.
Travel Advice - If you are thinking about taking a short trip during the break, either to visit family or for a holiday, you can check the current guidelines for travel.
At risk of being made homeless?
Please review the advice and resources below if you are concerned about being made homeless. The Student Money and Accommodation Team also has detailed advice and links. Please see the external links below for more advice.
- Crisis - A national charity offering advice and support for homeless people.
- Advice Now - A survival guide to what to do if you are threatened with homelessness.
- Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities - A Gov.UK guide.
Keeping warm and energy costs
Keeping warm is important for health and wellbeing. Rising energy costs are a concern for many, but the good news is that there is advice and support available.
- Finding a warm space near you this winter - A 'Which?' guide to the 'warm space scheme', and guidance concerning help with heating costs.
- Government cost of living payment - Government guidance on getting an extra payment to help with the cost of living if you're entitled to certain benefits or tax credits.
- Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills - Citizens Advice guidance.