Recording attendance will help us see where you might be struggling and offer you support. It will also help us make sure everyone is meeting their attendance requirements - for example if your attendance is required for a professional accreditation or your student visa.
All students are required to register their own attendance at the start of all timetabled activities.
Find out more about the rules and regulations for attendance and engagement. Continued low attendance and engagement can put your student status at risk.
How do I check-in to my learning activity?
You can access MyAttendance using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
1. At the start of every session, your lecturer will issue you a unique six-digit code.
2. Access MyAttendance via:
- The MyLondon Met App
- Quicklinks on the Student Zone
3. Enter the six-digit code and click the 'check-in' button
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is London Met using this system?
This new system is more efficient than other attendance monitoring such as paper registers and saves resource so we can better support you in other areas.
It will help us to:
- Ensure you are maximising your academic potential;
- provide supportive interventions when you need them the most;
- avoid time-consuming manual roll calls;
- know who is on campus in case of an emergency;
- to improve the experience for all students
Can I view my own attendance record?
Within My Attendance you will be able to see your own attendance record for today and yesterday. This is displayed on a simple dashboard.
Could I get someone to send me a check-in code?
You are responsible for registering your attendance so please use the system honestly
- Your tutor will check accuracy of the register.
- Sharing check-in codes is considered misconduct and may result in disciplinary action.
- Using a check-in code for a session when absent will result in unauthorised absence. The register will be updated to reflect this.
- Continued unauthorised absence can put your enrolment at risk.
- If you are studying on a Student visa, unauthorised absence will be picked up by the International Support and Compliance Team.
Please speak to your tutor if you have difficulties registering your attendance.
How do I report an issue with MyAttendance?
All issues with MyAttendance should be reported to the IT department through the Freshservice Support Portal
- Go to the Freshservice Support Portal
- Click 'Report an ITS Issue' or search for MyAttendance in the search box
- Choose the type of issue you wish to raise, provide as much description as possible, and click Submit
Do I have access to a user guide?
Yes, please refer to the Student Check In video explaining how to record your attendance on the system