National Student Survey (NSS)

The National Student Survey
The National Student Survey (NSS) is a high-profile annual census of nearly half a million students across the UK. Conducted each year since 2005, it is an established survey that produces influential data. It gives students a powerful voice to help shape the future of their course at their university.
- Improve the way courses are run
- Inform prospective students' choices
- Support public accountability.
Rewarding your feedback
- Every student who completes the survey between 3 February and 21 February will be given a lunch voucher that can be redeemed in any London Met catering outlet up to the value of £7.
Lunch vouchers will be distributed in classes week commencing 10 February - you must show your lecturer proof that you have completed the survey to get your voucher. If you are unable to claim your voucher in class, please contact your module leader with proof of completion and to arrange collection of the voucher.
One lucky student from each School will win £500 worth of vouchers to spend at a range of retailers.
All eligible students who complete the survey will also be entered into a draw to win one of twenty five graduation packages which includes: cap and gown hire, a professional photograph, and two guest tickets.
Questions and further information
Who takes the NSS?
The NSS is for students studying their last year of their undergraduate studies.
Why take the NSS?
The National Student Survey (NSS) gives you the opportunity to say what you think about your course at London Met. It allows you to say both what you liked and what you think needs more work.
Your feedback helps us to decide the changes we can make to provide the best possible experience for all of our students. We listen to, learn from and act on student feedback and value the time you take to provide it.
All your responses will remain strictly anonymous - at no point will you be identified to us.
How do I take it?
As easy as one, two, three.
- Search your University email inbox for an email from and click on your unique link
- You should receive your email by 3 February 2025 (some will get it earlier!)
- Complete the 10-minute survey using your favourite device (the survey works well on mobile devices)
- Finish the survey before the end of the day on Friday 21 February to claim your £7 lunch voucher.
One lucky student from each School will win £500 worth of vouchers to spend at a range of retailers.
Everyone who completes the survey will also be entered into a draw to win one of twenty five graduation packages which includes: cap and gown hire, a professional photograph, and two guest tickets.
Why should I complete it?
Only you and your fellow students have the experience of studying on your course. The NSS has been designed to capture your views on the areas that are most important to you.
Your response to the NSS will also help provide useful information to future students about your course. The results are made available to the public through the Discover Uni website which allows anyone to compare data about UK higher education courses.
Who is eligible?
The NSS is run across all publicly funded higher education providers in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, as well as private/alternative providers in England with specific course designation for new students. Further education colleges in England and Northern Ireland, Further Education Institutions (FEIs) in Wales with directly funded HE students are eligible to participate
All students studying on courses leading to undergraduate credits or qualifications which are longer than one year full-time study or its part time equivalent (such as bachelor's degrees, foundation degrees, higher education diplomas) will be surveyed in their final year of study. Students on more flexible part-time programmes (whose final year cannot be easily predicted) will normally be surveyed during their fourth year of study. Students who have withdrawn from study during their final year will be included in the survey as their feedback is equally valuable. Unless otherwise removed, students who have repeated a year or have changed their course arrangements but were originally expected to graduate in 2024 will still be surveyed in the current year. Students who were already surveyed in 2023 will not be surveyed in 2024.
How do I complete the NSS?
Ipsos MORI will contact all eligible students by email or telephone. Verification will take place to ensure you are eligible to take part in the survey. If you are eligible, your responses will be submitted to the survey. Once the survey questions have been completed, you will not be contacted again or receive any further reminders from Ipsos MORI.
Ipsos MORI will initially attempt to contact you by email, and if they have no response, they will then contact you by telephone. The survey is linked to a live database of eligible students, which is updated on a regular basis so that students who have already completed the NSS will not receive further invitations. If you have completed the survey but still receive an invitation or a reminder, it may be due to Ipsos MORI’s inability to match the details you supplied, to the ones supplied by London Met. There may also be some overlap between when you sent your response and when Ipsos MORI re-contacted you.
I'm in my final year but don't have an NSS survey email. How can I make my voice heard?
Firstly, search ‘NSS 2025’ in the student zone to find more information on The NSS or visit
There are a number of reasons you might not be surveyed as part of the NSS, but we’re still keen to hear what you have to say. So we’ve created a Student Experience Survey to capture your thoughts on your time at London Met.
Will my response be confidential?
Your responses to the survey are strictly confidential, and all responses are anonymised before they are made available to London Met. All responses remain confidential excluding exceptional circumstances where there is evidence the respondent or others are at risk of harm.