Key subject collections

Most important databases for nutrition, dietetics and food science =


  • Academic Search Complete
    Database of journals from all subject areas, including science. However, access to the current year is not available for many journals.

  • American Chemical Society online journal and archive package
    Browse or search peer reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences. Particularly relevant to food science.

  • American Society for Microbiology
    Full text of peer reviewed journals. Particularly relevant to food science. Some relevant titles in this collection are: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Journal of Bacteriology, and Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

    Full-text psychology database covering journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

  • APA PsycINFO
    Produced by the American Psychological Association, this primarily bibliographic database covers journal articles, book chapters and theses in psychology and related areas. Limited full-text is available.

  • The Cochrane Library
    The Cochrane covers health, health care and medicine-related issues. The database is a collection of six databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) and the Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL).

  • PubMed
    PubMed, an international bibliographic database with millions of records of biomedical literature from MEDLINE and life science journals. Content covers all aspects of medicine, health and related subjects, including food science, nutrition, public health and dietetics.

  • Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Archive 1841 - 2007
    Access to the full text of journals up to 2007 from the RSC in chemistry and related fields. Includes content relevant to food science.

  • Science Direct
    This database contains journals published by Elsevier and affiliated publishers. It covers all the subject areas of science, technology and medicine, including biomedical sciences, food science, nutrition and dietetics. There are many full text articles available from 1995 onwards, though not all.

  • TRIP
    This is actually a medical search engine with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine (EBM) and clinical guidelines and queries, rather than a database, but is a key subscribed resource.

  • Web of Science (WoS)
    This is a key source for final year undergraduate dissertations, MSc, MPhil/PhD and staff. It is an international database which covers world literature in all areas of science, including food science, nutrition and dietetics.

  • Wiley Online Library
    This database contains journals published by Wiley and affiliated publishers. It contains journal articles in all areas of science, including biological and biomedical sciences, chemistry, food science, nutrition and dietetics. Full text access is available to many, but not all journals articles.

These are key resources.

  • BMJ Best Practice (Published by the BMJ Group)
    This is more of a reference resource, but is a key subscribed resource. It contains information on public health and medical topics and combines the latest research evidence and guidelines.

  • BNF: British National Formulary
    For searching the drug database.

  • Visible Body
    This is a key purchased resource. It is a suite of interactive online programs covering anatomy, physiology, muscles, the skeleton, and the circulatory system through interactive 3D models, animations, quizzes, and more. Each program offers a mobile app, though you can use it via the link above on a desktop PC or MAC.
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