Key subject collections

Indicates a cross-searchable EBSCO database =

  • Business Source Complete ★
    Provides company information, some SWOT analysis including industry and country information. Find Marketline industry profiles for sector overviews.

  • FAME (Financial Analysis made easy)
    Find company financials on 2 million UK and Irish companies providing up to 10 years of financial history, balance sheets, ratios and cash flow data. Overviews of company structure and operations. Use the help video on FAME to get an overview on the company reports, doing peer analysis and other searches.

  • Mintel Reports
    Provides consumer market research including SWOT on the UK services sector such as brands, retail, fashion, leisure, technology and social media.  There are some useful training videos from Mintel, one focused on reports and one for using the interactive databooks.

  • Passport
    International market profiles & analyses including SWOT, country information & economic data, consumer lifestyles, consumer market sizes, forecasts, companies & brands. View components of a PEST analysis from Euromoniter called Company and Industry Analysis .

  • Henry Stewart Marketing & Management collection
    A series of audiovisual talks on topics such as  B2B Advertising, financial services advertising, data mining, qualitative market research, customer experience, radio advertising, targeting & segmentation.

  • MusicAlly
    Reports, analysis and news, including some statistics, in the music industry spanning the last 15 years. Topics covered include: technological change; marketing, promotion and campaigns; entrepreneurship; trends in music genres over time; and international trends.

  • Statista
    Contains statistics and reports providing overviews on industries, economics, forecasts and country statistics. Also topics on current business and media trends including fashion brands and digital markets.

  • Gartner
    Business and market analysis and IT solutions for businesses.

  • WGSN (Worth Global Style Network)
    WGSN provides news and information service for the fashion and style industries including forecasting, company profiles and news items on brands, e-commerce,  advertising and marketing.
  • Academic Search Complete
    A very large, multidisciplinary database which is useful for finding articles dealing with social issues for business topics such as immigration, globalisation, CSR etc.

  • Business Source Complete ★
    Journal articles on business, fashion, management, retail, sales & marketing, and supply chain.

  • Communication and Mass Media Complete
    Articles on all media, PR & marketing topics.

  • Emerald Management E-journals
    Topics include: business management, fashion, marketing, retailing, human resources & employment.

  • Sage Journals Online
    Searches for articles across all Sage online journals, but access to full text is only available from titles subscribed to by the library. See what's available by clicking on the "Sage contents available to me" button. Useful for media communications & PR topics.

  • Science Direct
    Useful for business, ecommerce, marketing and retailing topics. On advance search page search for e-journal articles in subject collection called business, management & accounting.

  • Taylor and Francis Open Journals
    Access to some journals on management, marketing and a wide range of business topics.

  • Wiley Online Library
    Access to some journals on management, marketing and a wide range of business topics.

  • World Bank e-Library
    Covering topics on international business, trade, finance & development, poverty, energy, environment, governance and Industry.
  • Bloomberg
    Major industry-level source of current and historical global data on markets, economic indicators, companies, equities and news.

    The Bloomberg Suite is located in Holloway Road campus, Tower Building and can be found on the mezzanine area, room T1-20.  

    Students who require access need to ask their lecturer to contact IT via (

    Add Bloomberg Certification to your skillset with Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC).  This is an eight hour self-paced e-learning course.  

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