Personal Academic Tutor scheme
At London Metropolitan University, we know that starting your academic journey can be both exciting and challenging. That's why we have the Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) scheme in place for students in their early years (Levels 3 and 4). Your PAT is here to guide and support you with any personal, academic, or professional challenges you might face, helping you navigate your journey and make the most of your time at the University.
Your PAT will help you to settle into university life, support you in your studies and help to ensure a sense of belonging and community in the Subject and School in which you are based. PATs provide personalised support in a variety of ways, responding to your needs and priorities. This might include guidance on a particular assignment, explaining how assessment and grading works, or helping navigate support for non-academic issues. Such as directing you to the right teams for help with mitigating circumstances, taking a break from your studies, mental health or fees and finance. Whatever your concerns, your PAT is here to help and signpost you to the appropriate person or department.
Who is my Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) and how do I get in touch with them?
Your PAT will be assigned to you shortly after enrolment and you will meeting them either online or face-to-face at key periods during the year. Your PAT will contact you early in the academic year to arrange your first meeting.
Outside of the scheduled meetings, you will be able to initiate appointments with your PAT, ensuring you get the most out of this support feature during your studies. Where possible, your PAT will stay with you for the duration of your time at the university, providing you with support from someone who knows you.
How do I find out about the PAT scheme in my school?
You will be introduced to your PAT during the first three months of the programme. You can also find out more information by contacting your Course Leader or your School Office.
What do I do if I need to speak to someone in confidence regarding my PAT?
Please contact your Schools Head of Student Experience
AAD - Emma Davenport
GSBL and SBEN - Ioannis Soilmetzidis
SCDM - Wendy Sloane interim until Feb 2025 thereafter Elena Moschini
SHSC - Jo Jenkins
SSSP - Brian Tutt
The PAT scheme is part of wider academic support for students including Academic Mentors, Subject Guides and Librarians, Careers and Employability Team and specialist help for students with Learning Differences and Disabilities.
The scheme is being reviewed for the 2024/5 academic year to ensure it provides the most effective service to support our students' success.