ID cards

Your student ID card is your passport to the campus. It is a multi-purpose, photographic identification for everything you do across campus.

We want you to feel safe and comfortable whenever you are on campus. It is therefore mandatory your ID cards are always carried and visible. Without an ID card, you cannot come on-site.

If you see anyone without an ID, you may request to see it. If denied, please inform a member of staff immediately.

Do not lend your card to anyone else - if someone is found with a card that isn't theirs, it will be confiscated.


If you have lost your card, please proceed to purchase a new one through the eshop. You will be charged £12 and emailed a receipt. You should then make your way to the School Office who will help with issuing your replacement.


If it is stolen, you need to report it to your School Office and the police immediately. They will provide you with a Crime Reference Number - we need this number to issue you with a new card. Without it, it will be treated as simply lost and a charge will be payable.


If you have damaged your card, take it to the School Office and we will replace it (with the same potential charges as lost cards).


Should you forget your ID when attending campus, our reception team will be happy to issue you with a temporary day pass. This can be done up to three times per term.


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