Your yearly PhD / DProf re-enrolment and why it is important

*Please note: this information is for postgraduate research degree students only*
1. What is re-enrolment?
Annual re-enrolment is essential to your academic journey at London Metropolitan University. Re-enrolment is a crucial activity ensuring you keep access to your London Met IT account, to the campus, Library resources and the supervision.
After your initial enrolment when you started your doctoral journey, each year in mid-September, regardless of whether your postgraduate research studies begin in September or February, you will be sent a re-enrolment link for you to complete (it will appear under 'My Enrolment' tab at the top of the screen). To check current re-enrolment dates, check out Academic Term Dates.
The re-enrolment takes place via Evision and you will need your London Met username and password to log in.
2. What do I need to do?
The process is straightforward and should not take you more than 5 minutes. However, the re-enrolment only lasts one week, therefore, please make sure that you complete re-enrolment as soon as you receive an invitation link.
3. How do I re-enrol?
- Log into Evision using your normal University IT network account
- You should see an in-tray on your home page
- The 'action' part of your in-tray will contain the message 'Click here to re-enrol'
- Click on the message and you will be taken through a series of screens
- Please read and check the information on each screen carefully before moving on to the next one
- Where information is missing or incorrect, please update your record accordingly
- To update information and/or move on to the next screen, click Next
- Please note, once you have clicked Next you will not be able to return to a previous screen
- If you realise that you have made a mistake on a previous screen, for example, you forgot to update your address, continue re-enrolling on-line and then email us using the form to the right (or below on a mobile device) to let us know that your records need to be amended
- Your re-enrolment will only be complete when you receive a message confirming a successful re-enrolment at the end of the process
- You are strongly advised to complete this process in one attempt and avoid exiting the screens half way through. For most students, the process should take no more than 10 minutes
- Help screens can be accessed via the '?' icon in the top right-hand corner of the main screens, which should answer the majority of your questions
If your fees are paid by a loan from the Student Loans Company, you must have notified them that you are continuing your studies and advised them of the year of course you will be enrolling on.
If you pay your fees then you will need to have made satisfactory payment, as per the advice of the University's Income Collection Department.
4. Why is it important?
Missing or skipping your re-enrolment may result in denying you access to University premises, your London Met IT account (including your London Met email address) and Library resources, PhD/Prof Doc/MPhil supervision, and ultimately, a withdrawal from the course.
Students that are not enrolled, cannot submit to the annual Research Student Progress Group and therefore progress with their research.
Thesis submissions and viva panel nominations will not be accepted until the student is fully enrolled for the current academic year.
If there are any unenrolled years before graduation, it could result in a delay in awarding your degree. Your record will have to be regularised by enrolling retrospectively for any missing period and any missing fees will be due.
If you missed your re-enrolment deadline, please email
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When does re-enrolment take place?
A: Re-enrolment takes place each year in September. You will receive a personalised link from
Q: Why am I not able to re-enrol right now?
A: If you do not see an in-tray in Evison, or if there is no message in your Evision in-tray then it may be because:
- You have not been given a progression decision that allows you to re-enrol now.
- You are currently suspended because you have a debt to the University.
If you have been suspended for financial reasons you will need to contact Income Collection.
If neither of these reasons apply to you, and you do not have a message in your intray and you think that you should have, please contact quoting your student ID number and the nature of the problem.
Q: How is enrolment different from re-enrolment?
A: Enrolment takes place when you first join the University on your research degree. Each subsequent year, you must re-enrol.
Q: I am a February starter. Do I need to complete my re-enrolment in September?
A: Yes, February starters need to complete their re-enrolment in September.
Q: I have not been enrolled for a number of years. What should I do?
A: Your enrolment will be organised in the chronological order. For example, if you have started your studies in 2021/22 academic year and have not re-enrolled in 2022/23 academic year, you will need to complete a digital enrolment form for 2022/23 and only after this has been processed, we can send you a link for re-enrolment for 2023/24 academic year.
To complete re-enrolment for previous years, please email
Q: I sent my enrolment form for previous years to How long does it take for it to be processed?
A: Digital online forms for previous years are updated by the Student Records team and it can take up to 2 weeks for the enrolment form to be processed.
Q: I am in my writing-up stage/ preparing for the viva/ completing my amendments, do I need to re-enrol?
A: Yes, to be able to graduate you need to be enrolled, therefore you need to complete your re-enrolment.
Q: I am taking a break from studies (intermission) - do I need to be enrolled?
Q: I have heard that if I skip re-enrolment I do not need to pay my fees. Is this true?
A: No, it is not. Unless you are taking break from your studies (intermission) you must re-enrol each year. To graduate with a degree, you will need to be enrolled and to have paid your fees in full.
If you have not re-enrolled for several years, you will need to pay any fees retrospectively for any supervision and access to resources you received.
Q: I submitted my thesis a long time ago, but I have not been awarded yet. Is this to do with my enrolment?
A: We cannot process your award if you are not enrolled in the current academic year and previous academic years where you have not re-enrolled.