Submitting Your Thesis

You need to submit a PDF version of your thesis to for submission. If you are not enrolled, your thesis submission will not be accepted.

Your thesis must meet the following requirements:

  • the thesis shall be in A4 format;
  • copies of the thesis shall be presented in a permanent and legible form; the size of character used in the main text, including displayed matter and notes shall be a minimum of font size 10;
  • the paper shall be white and within the range 70mg to 100mg; printing on both sides of the page is permissible;
  • the outside, top and bottom margins shall not be less than 15mm; the inside margins, i.e., the margins at the binding edge of the page, shall not be less than 40mm;
  • double or one-and-a-half spacing shall be used in the typescript except for indented quotations or footnotes where single spacing may be used;
  • pages shall be numbered consecutively through the main text including photographs and/or diagrams included as whole pages;
  • the title page shall give the following information:
    • the full title of the thesis in British English spelling; please do not use capital letters throughout but apply the usual capitalisation rules for titles;
    • the full name of the author;
    • the award for which the degree is submitted in the form: Submitted to the [School name] of London Metropolitan University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of [degree title, i.e., MPhil/PhD/DProf/EdD];
    • the collaborating organisation(s), if any;
    • the month and year of submission;
    • the names of the last supervisors in the form: Supervised by [] (optional); you may mention all your supervisors including any previous supervisors in the acknowledgments.

Along with your theses, you are required to submit an RD10-Declaration form.

You can find the RD10 form in our research form centre.

After your thesis has met all academic standards, you must submit the final version of your full thesis as a PDF and the RD10 declaration form to Please note that hardbound copies are no longer required.


The University cannot award your degree or issue your certificate until we have received your electronic thesis along with the RD10 declaration form, and you have fully enrolled. If you have not enrolled for a number of years, you will have to comlete a retrospective enrolment.

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