Research student progression

The University has a system of progression review to help MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorate students plan and progress their research, by submitting written material for review at regular intervals - these are known as the Research Student Progress Groups (RSPGs).
Research Student Progress Groups (RSPGs)
There is an annual RSPG in June or July, followed by an interim one in November for referred work and work where progress is deemed to be at risk.
Please note that the deadline for submission is usually specified in the Research Student Handbook.
An RD2 form (find it in the Research form centre) must be submitted as required to the RSPGs. If you are a first-year student, you will be asked to submit RD1 (confirmation viva) form, followed by a presentation to the reader organised by your supervisory team.
Students who fail to deliver work on time will have their progress referred or may have their progress suspended however, you should indicate on the forms if anything has affected your application. The University would be sympathetic towards reasons connected with the Coronavirus situation. The process for requesting extensions or intermissions is outlined in the
Further information
You should keep in regular contact with your supervisors and be working towards the Progress Reviews as a matter of course throughout your studies. All forms will need to be signed off by your supervisory team and if you are experiencing difficulties meeting your deadlines, let them know as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about this process, speak to your supervisor in the first instance. The Research and Postgraduate Office is responsible for logging submissions, requests for transfer, extension and intermission and can offer general advice - you can contact them at