Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is designed to collect feedback from postgraduate research students on different programmes (PhD, MPhil, Prof Doc) and at different higher education institutions in the UK.

This year's PRES will run from Wednesday, 5 March 2025, until Wednesday, 16 April 2025.

Each student will receive an individual link to complete the survey via their London Met email address. All responses will remain anonymous.
There will be prizes for early respondents: first 50 students to complete the survey will receive a £10 vouchers. All students who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw, and four students will be picked at random to win £50 voucher, plus graduation packages for students graduating in 2024/25.

When it will start? 

PRES will launch on Wednesday 5 March 2025 and will finish on Wednesday 16 April 2025.

What happens to the results?

Your feedback is important. We use the findings to improve the learning experience and environment for current and future students. 

As a result of feedback last year, we:

  • increased the frequency of our in-person postgraduate research coffee mornings and lunchtime talks, with an exciting and varied programme,  
  • improved our postgraduate research training programme and supported specialist training provision by our Research Centres, including in-depth sessions on research writing and social science methods,
  • created an online one-stop shop of Library Resources for Research and Doctoral Students, including much awaited 'Request It!' service for articles, chapters and books available outside of London Met library,
  • developed our plans for this year's Student and Staff Research Conference to increase opportunities for networking and interaction between students and staff.  

We listen to, learn from and act on student feedback and value the time you take to provide it.

Is it anonymous? 

Your survey response is confidential to the team processing the results, and no reporting outside of this team will identify any individual. Any results communicated to teaching staff will be anonymised.

The survey asks that any comments you make should not identify yourself or any specific members of staff.

Where can I find out more? 

If you are unsure about anything to do with the survey, please speak to your supervisors or email the Research and Postgraduate Office Team.

You can also visit Advanced HE for more details.

How well did London Met do in last year's PRES?

Over 82% of students who completed PRES said that they were satisfied with their experience of doing a research degree programme, which is slightly above the sector's average.


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