Exam timetable (Exam Track)
ExamTrack provides timetable and location information relating to exams on Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, Pre Degree and Access courses, Extended Degrees and Professional courses. It covers exams at Holloway Road campus but does not cover exams taken at collaborative partner institutions.
Spring semester May 2025 examinations
The Spring semester examinations will run from 12 to 30 May 2025.
Reassessment exams for February starters
Level 6 GSBL resit exams for February starters and Level 7 resit exams for February starters (all Schools)
If you are a GSBL February Starter or Level 7 February Starter student who had taken an exam in January which you subsequently now have a reassessment for, and you have now completed the taught elements of your course, you must take up your exam reassessment opportunity during the Spring semester examination period (12 - 30 May 2025) as these exam reassessments are compulsory.
Upon searching for your exam date, please tick the 'select' box and then click 'Generate timetable' this will include the location of your exams(s). Please note that ALL locations are based at the Holloway Road Campus.
If you have any immediate concerns please contact your Course Leader.
Study Support
There are a range of support services available to help you prepare for your examinations at Study Resources.
Managing Exam Stress
Preparing for exams can create feelings of worry and stress. Student Minds have prepared some helpful resources for you to help deal with the stress that you might be feeling.
You may also wish to visit the Self-help tools on the Student Zone website, where the University Counselling Service has collected a variety of tools and resources that can help you overcome difficulties you may be facing.
Scope of exams covered
ExamTrack provides timetable and location information relating to exams on Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, Pre Degree and Access courses, Extended Degrees and Professional courses.
There are certain non-written tests which require an individual slot for each student and are being communicated locally by School. So for practical components which are not listed via the search facility at section 4 below, please see the guidance issued on Weblearn.
Publication dates and rechecking
A. For the Spring semester May exams, the exam timetable will be published on Wednesday 9 April 2025.
B. IMPORTANT: It may be necessary to amend previously published dates, times and locations and therefore you should check your exam timetable again closer to your exam date(s).
Further information
A. Exam locations
All exams will be held at Holloway Road campus.
B. Alternative locations for individual exam arrangements (arising from INARS), clash exam arrangements, overseas exam arrangements
The search facility indicates only the main location exam room. Where alternative locations are arranged for individual students these are communicated in other ways, with an email alert directly to those students. Students who have requested individual exam arrangements and have a valid INAR will be emailed their timetable as a downloadable PDF file.
C. Information you need before attending exams
Before attending exams all students should be familiar with the advice, rules and requirements explained in exam guidance for students
For further information about exam processes and requirements, including those relating to alternative locations, use of dictionaries and access to past papers is given in the Examinations section.
How to find details of your exam
You can search for the exams you will be sitting by entering a module code or title in each box below.
To search by Module Code:
- Select 'Module Code' from the drop-down selection box
- Enter a valid Module Code e.g. 'AC4002'
To search by Module Title:
- Select 'Module Title' from the drop-down selection box
- Enter a Module Title e.g. ' Introduction to Accounting'
- If you do not know the full title, enter a keyword such as 'accounting' to find any module with that word in its title
You can search for up to 5 different modules. After entering your search terms, press 'Search now'.