Finding work: Job Shop

The Job Shop provides access to both paid and voluntary opportunities.

Log into MyCareer to access:

  • part-time and temporary vacancies
  • internship or placement opportunities
  • graduate positions
  • volunteering opportunities (if interested in volunteering, also visit the "Want to Volunteer" page

For advice on using MyCareer see our Searching for opportunities on Mycareer  guide and if you are experiencing any difficulties accessing the system, please email Careers

See our Code of Practice: Students  for details of terms and conditions.

Register with Met Temps, Londonmet's in-house agency to browse paid temporary or part-time work in the university.  There are useful resources to support you with Met Temps 

 Use the job search engine on our careers portal to find openings for full time and part-time jobs as well as graduate and internship opportunities. 

Why not watch the GRB video to access tips on CVs, applications, interviews and job hunting from recent graduates who have successfully secured work, including a London Met graduate from BA advertising, marketing communications and public relations.

The Job Shop also organises a series of events throughout the year: part-time jobs fairs, volunteering fairs and employer "pop-ups".  Details of these are posted on our mycareer events page.

Visit our Careers portal pages for international students for comprehensive information on job searching, CVs and cover letters.  In addition, log into Student Circus, a niche job search platform, aiming to make the hiring of international students a seamless process for all stakeholders — universities, students, as well as employers. It includes job listings and is a one-stop-shop for all career needs of international students, so definitely worth exploring.  

The digital edition of the Times Top 100 graduate employers is now available.  

The new edition includes the latest assessment of the graduate job market, full details of the UK’s top employers that will be recruiting graduates in 2024, and a special editorial section looking at how graduates across the country have progressed in their careers over the last 25 years.

Visit our web pages on work based learning and on Recruitment Agencies and Jobs Boards

Read the article How to get the best from job boards  by Corinne Hutchinson of

Download information sheets on:

Looking for Part Time Work


Graduate Job Search

The careers portal provides considerable information on the use of social media in job search through the "enhancing e hireability" learning pathway.  This includes advice on the use of professional networks such as LinkedIn.  

To find out how much tax and/or national insurance you may have to pay, go to the income tax calculator.

If you would like to advertise an opportunity for our students or recent graduates, click on the relevant link below:

  • London Met managers: Support students in developing workplace skills, experience and confidence by offering suitable internal work opportunities. There are some useful guides for you

Met Temps Manager user guide and Met Temps Manager Self Service Guide

  • Not-for-profit organisations: Advertise your volunteering opportunities to our students who can add value to your organisation.
  • Employers: Advertise your opportunities free of charge through our Job Shop to access a talented and diverse group of students and recent graduates

Before advertising please refer to our Code of Practice: Employers .

If you would like to meet students at our regular fairs or take part in careers events please email Careers

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