Software for students

On a university machine you will have access to the full Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. On a personal device you will only have access to the free components.

University Adobe login guide


London Met students are able to access some free and discounted software packages, as listed below, on Windows and IOS (Mac, iPad, iPhone).

Please note that software obtained via the link below are for use on personal machines not owned by the University. If you need software installed on a laptop or tablet provided by the University please raise a request in Freshservice.

IMPORTANT: Downloading the software from these links means you are agreeing to the Software Copyright Acknowledgement terms and conditions.

All current London Met students are entitled to an Office 365 account. The software includes Word, PowerPoint and Excel and can be downloaded on up to five devices (including compatible Macs and tablets).

Students can access their Office 365 account via the link below, using their University email address and password. 

Office 365 account 

NVivo is a qualitative data analysis (QDA) computer software package produced by QSR International. Available to students for use on personally-owned computers for academic use only (Learning/Research).

NVivo home use activation codes are only valid for use in the UK. If you travel outside the UK you may be unable to use this software.

How to obtain:

Submit a request for a MyNVivo account in Freshservice and include the following information:

  • your student ID
  • course name
  • a brief explanation of the purpose of use

Failure to provide this information may result in your request being rejected. Upon submission, a call will be logged and forwarded to the London Met Software Administrator. After that, a MyLumivero account will be created for you. You can then download NVivo from your account and use the online services. 

For further information regarding the download, installation and activation of NVivo, please consult NVivo's Help in the Resources section of your MyLumivero account.

Please note: NVivo for Mac doesn't contain all the same features as NVivo for Windows. 

IMPORTANT: It is mandatory to provide your student ID, course name and a brief explanation for the purpose of use when requesting an activation code. Failure to provide this information may result in rejection of your request.

Support and downloads

SPSS is a software package used for statistical analysis. It is now officially named "IBM SPSS Statistics".  Find out more.

Available to students for use on personally-owned computers for academic use only (Learning/Research). Click on the below download buttons to access software packages.

Please ensure you are logged in to your university email account, otherwise the below links won't work.

To obtain your Authorisation Code please raise a request in Freshservice

SPSS 29 Installation Instructions


  • ITS cannot provide any technical or installation support for SPSS. For assistance, please visit SPSS Student Resources

The Student Access Licence is designed for students and educators who currently use the SOLIDWORKS Education Edition at their school and is for academic use only. To obtain and activate your copy please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the form at SOLIDWORKS
  2. Make sure to choose the 2024 version unless you require an older version
  3. Submit a request for an activation code via Freshservice

Software licences and/or cloud-based services provided without charge to Education Community members may be used solely for learning, teaching, and training in relation to the instructional functions performed by a primary or secondary educational institution or another degree or certificate-granting institution. Read the terms of use.

 How to obtain Autodesk Software:

Definition of educational use

Licence Agreement

It is recommended that all users install Antivirus software on their personal devices. The university does not provide any licences but there are many free and paid antivirus products available.

Circuit Wizard is a revolutionary system that combines circuit design, PCB design, simulation and CAD/CAM in one complete package. 

Available to current students for use on personally-owned computers for academic use only (Learning/Research). 


A student copy of ChemDraw can be downloaded from Student Copy of ChemDraw

Go to the section for London Metropolitan University and follow the on-screen instructions. 

Maple is a mathematics software tool providing mathematical computation engine with integrated numerics and symbolics. Find out more about Maple.
Eligible students can download and install the latest version of Maple on personally-owned computers for academic use only (teaching/research). 
How to install and activate:
  • Download the software from the above link
  • Submit a request for your Authorisation Code in Freshservice.
  • Upon submission, a call will be logged and forwarded to software licensing in ITS
  • An activation code will be sent to you via email
NOTE: If you are installing Maple on Mac OS X, you will need to download Xcode from the Mac App Store in order to use the compile option. For full details, visit the Maple website.
  • Grasshopper
  • Rhino
  • SketchUp
  • Vectorworks
  • Bentley Systems
  • DesignSpark
  • Houdini
  • Nuke
  • RenderMan
  • Unity


Graphical algorithm editor for use with Rhino. 

Note: you will need Rhino 7 in order to use Grasshopper.

A free Beta version of Grasshopper can be downloaded.


Students on qualifying courses can access a free licensed copy of Rhino. Contact your lecturer for details of how to access this.

All other students:

A 90 day trial of Rhino 7 can be downloaded for PC and Mac.

After 90 days saving and plugins will stop. If you wish to continue using Rhino with all features you will need to buy a licence. Student licences are available - select the "Students or faculty" tab.

Please note: proof of status will be required.

Please note: the university is licensed for Rhino 7, you will not be able to use Rhino 8 yet.


SketchUp Make: free to use for personal and educational use. It may not be used for commercial purposes. 

SketchUp Pro:  There is a discounted educational licence which can be used as a trial version for 30 days then a licence will need to be purchased. It cannot be used for commercial purposes. 

Both versions can be downloaded from SketchUp.


Free educational licences have no technical restrictions but are for academic use only. All files created will be watermarked. 

Go to Vectorworks Student portal to create an account. Once you have created an account you will be sent instructions by email. 

Please note: proof of enrolment will be required. 


See Limited Availability Software below.


There are no longer free versions of these applications.  

A range of PCB, Electrical and Mechanical software can be purchased.


Houdini Apprentice is available for free.


Obtain a free non-commercial licence for Nuke. Please note that this has some limitations on functionality. Apply for a free personal licence.


Apply for a free non-commercial licence. The licence needs to be renewed every three months.


Apply for a free personal licence.

The below software is not available to all students but is limited to students of specific courses/departments.

RWS Trados - A list of eligible students is provided to the licence administrator by the lead lecturer. If you think you are entitled to this and have not received an activation code please speak to your course leader.

If you have received an activation code but are having problems please log a job in Freshservice.

Bentley - Information on how to access this software is provided by lecturers. If you think you need access please speak to your course leader.

If you have been given access but are having problems please log a job in Freshservice.

TINA - Information on how to access this software is provided by lecturers. If you think you need access please speak to your course leader.

If you have been given access but are having problems please log a job in Freshservice.

Archicad - Architecture and Design students can apply for a home-use licence here Archicad Home Use Licence

If you have been given access but are having problems please log a job in Freshservice 

Azure Dev Tools For Teaching - This is only available to students on computing courses. Please log a job in Freshservice to request access.

The below software is available to all students

Zotero - This is free on all devices.

FreeMind - This is free on all devices.

ClaroRead - screen reading software. Students can apply for access for home use. Please submit a request for a ClaroRead account in Freshservice.

Download a free lite version of EViews. A discounted copy of the full version can also be purchased from this page. 

A range of discounted software for students is available at On the Hub. Use 'Find your School' to go to "London Metropolitan University - Campus Store". Please note that some software available on this site is also available via the other sites listed on this page at better prices or for free.

Terms and conditions

Please note, you will need to agree to the terms and conditions to download and use any software

IT Help and Support for Students

For IT help and support and our IT help chat facility please visit

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