Postgraduate Research Training Sessions

Students Studying

We run a full training programme throughout the year to help students negotiate the different phases of study and the varying challenges each phase presents. The sessions are designed for students undertaking research degrees (MPhil, PhD, or Professional Doctorates) but are open to students who are planning to embark on a research degree post-graduation. The sessions are organised by the Graduate School and the content will be delivered by experienced PhD supervisors, Professional Services staff and external speakers. 

Check out the programme for spring 2023/2024:

DateTimeSessionSession leadEventbrite link
24 April   11am

Introduction to Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis

Professor Violeta Rossana Perez-del-aguila Book your ticket!
25 April 11am

Mastering Qualitative Data: Analysis Techniques and Nvivo

Dr Lisa Cerutti Book your ticket!
09 May 11am

Creating a Conference Poster and Conference Abstract

Dr Wendy Ross

Book your ticket!
20 May 12pm

Preparing for Your Viva

Professor Chris Chandler / Dr Mesfin Habtom Book your ticket!
20 May  14pm

Employability: Career Options after Completing your Research Degree

Tiffany Platt

Book your ticket!
23 May 11am

Using LinkedIn to Support You with Your Job Search

Tiffany Platt

Book your ticket!
30 May 10am

One to One Bookable Careers Guidance Appointments

Tiffany Platt

Book your ticket!
04 June 11am

Gaining a Teaching Qualification and the HEA Standard

Santanu Vasant

Book your ticket!


You can also check the last year's programme on PGR Training pages.

We will be adding more sessions throughout the year. Check the Doctoral Studies Weblearn page, keep an eye on your inbox or follow the Research and Postgraduate Office Eventbrite page for notifications of upcoming events as they are announced.  


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